
The third time they did the discussion, just Kohli selling the ‘Oh, we’re still doing this’ was such a masterful transition.

The Lady of the Lake is such an intriguing mystery. I don’t think it’s Charlotte, both because Flora was adamant that her parents weren’t there and because there was a scene when Flora was doing those gravestone echings that the camera lingered on a woman’s name in the chapel. While I don’t remember the name, I’m

This episode was simply magnificent. About fifteen minutes in, I was a little bit worried if it could maintain the memory jump aspect over the whole 50 minutes, but it not only did that, it exceeded any expectations. I also think it did an awesome job in establishing what it means to be a ghost in Bly Manor, where you

Okay, want to spoil all the other stuff that aren’t in the later episodes. Maybe tell all the mysteries that aren’t touched on. Yeah, I can guess that there is going to be a lot going on the last final episodes, especially considering Hill House season, still doesn’t mean that you have to start spoiling stuff because

But this assumes that Jamie thought that Dani was saying that she is literally haunted instead of just assuming it was the trauma that Dani had gone through. That was what Jamie’s reaction was in stating that it was her fault as Dani had indirectly told her that she wasn’t over her past trauma.

At which point we could discuss it when we got deeper in to the season and I would be able to comment on this based on the general story arc and interactions with Dani instead in isolation like this. I might even concede to the reviewer’s point then or consider it in another way once I get perceptive on what they are

Dani’s final scene with Eddie who went nowhere even with the cracking of the glasses in the fire as she was just so resigned that she could never have that life she desired as he would be there. Also, I’m far from as certain than the review that Eddie isn’t really a ghost as some of the scenes don’t feel like they

With this episode, I found myself once again comparing it to Haunting of Hill House and how the focus is different. The main narrative focus in HoHH was about family bonds, about how they can be be strained or become these twisted destructive things, but how the can also be that support and force to help you in your

I instantly realized to stay away from IMDB for this very reason. I had another show similarly spoiled to me by that site.

I’m not a member of the community, so I can’t comment on that, but I thought the review was weird as it was build around so many assumptions of the direction of the story. I mean it basically said this wasn’t enough of representation and just directly jumps to the conclusion that Eddie isn’t actually a ghost, but

To me, the most impressive performance was the kitchen scene. That was the closest we’ve seen Peter to being like Luke, this bundle of nervousness, but while with Luke there was this emptiness and desperation there, wtih Peter it was a sense of menace.

I thought the final moment with Dani’s ghost was brilliant. Not just because her actually seeing him without the mirror was so unexpected, but they had clearly altered the show with him somehow and he just didn’t seme like he was there. Also, for that final shot, I don’t think it was by accident alone that it looked

This was such a pleasant episode. Like it didn’t have that big, memorable sketch, but the way everything just flowed and brought smiles watching was really good.

While I agree that the Peter/Rebecca part was rushed, I did feel the episode did manage to a pretty good job in creating a contrast with later crew. Peter’s love is clearly wrong from the start, the way he makes everything a performance in order to claim Rebecca. On the other hand, in the year later crew, not only is

Late additional wild speculation.

Bold predictions that are most definitely wrong.

The moment where Flora hushed the ghost was so effing good, it was somehow even better than the jump scare moment than I was expecting. I think both the child actors deserve so much credit as they are both creepy, but in completely different way. With Miles, the creepiness is much more in the surface, but with Flora

Something that continuously struck me was how beautiful the shooting of the episode was. In the story, once Dani gets to the Manor, everytime the shot focuses on a character, it felt like if there was a fogginess to the light behind them. Additionally the way they used hallways and the way they stretched to add to the

While I loved the first episode in general, I realized that having watched Haunting of Hill House added so much to my enjoyment of it. While they are separate shows, HoHH played with narrative in a way that I keep wondering every narrative assumption I make. Except Miles, because that kid is everr kind of creepy.

Man, it really suck that Stewart and Rayner will not be in the show as they are, for me, the strongest human lead characters. I mean, Gardner’s fine, but I think he works better as the side character rather than the force carrying the show.