
Trump campaign’s decision to pull ads from Ohio is superweird as not only is the polling there really tight, it’s also a huge state Trump would need to win. They are actually doing much worse in Arizona, so that choice is baffling.

The Biden campaign deciding to bet on Texas is a really interesting turn of events and probably says a lot about both the DNC’s own polling as well as their fundraising.

I’m so confused about what is the audience he is playing for here? And I don’t mean that in a way to gather lazy jokes about Trump’s mental faculties and all that, but like seriously, how does he think this helps him? What is the thought process? I mean I saw already Nate Silver among many others point out that not

Which is kind of understandable as Johns’s take is utterly detached from the Joker that has been established over the last two decades, so why exactly would it say anything new about the character?

Which is a fair argument. For me, I think Waid was the first that really managed to make Wally hit through and Johns continued to build on that. That’s why I give Johns credit there as him and Waid were responsible for getting Wally to that next level, aided by the rebirth of the Justice League and the role Wally

I think this hits on one of the things that I always hate on games forcing RNG checks on dialogue choices instead of just looking if the skill is high enough or not. If it was a human GM gaming situation, there’s a lot of fun things that can happen after the failure as the GM adapts to the new situation, In games,

So I feel what I’m about to write here is a shocking revelation, but a computer game set in a mythical realm is, and I cannot stress this enough, not real life. Games, in general, not real life. And actually if you look at the competitive games played in real life have clear rules and understandings how things work. I

What makes Johns’s attempt to address to address the Joker question so absurd is that not only is the answer bafflingly superficial, it ignores the fact that Morrison and Snyder have already done the work to explain the changing nature of the Joker in a much more dynamic and character-building way. Hell, the current

I think there was also the push forward back then with Johns, which I think is what makes what he is now so sad to read.

What somehow makes all of this even more insane is that even when thinking this as a political stunt, there’s already a lot of data indicating that not only would it not work, it would probably have the opposite impact. And I get that such things as ‘polls’ and ‘facts’ don’t matter to Trump with his keen inner gut

As kind of a sidenote, I did end up getting a huge chuckle whenever I saw the picture of Trump’s doctors lining up as correct me if I missed something, but they are already white men aren’t they? Like considering the amount of doctors, that would almost take effort to achieve.

As an additional note on the cold open, as well as the Weekend Update, I thought the show handled the Trump’s Covid case pretty well. I mean, it is a struggle as you really don’t want that on anyone, but at the same time here it has a very deep karmic sense to it. And I think that was the joke they managed to hit on.

I was legitimately shocked how much I liked Carrey’s take on Biden. Some of the jokes on the actual debate kind of missed because the reality of it was so absurd it was even difficult to hit on something, but the commitment and character were there. And Biden struggling to contain that anger is not only a source of

The fact that the timeline means that Trump tested positive and knew about before going to an in-person fundraising event is staggering, even by Trump’s standards.

It would be astonishing if the Republicans manage to push the Barrett nomination through even in the current situation, not the least because McConnell’s decision that the Senate would convene in person, at least if I understood correctly. Which means that in order for that nomination to go to a vote would mean that

I absolutely laughed out loud when Cuomo brought up Cruz being a master debater as a way to be dismissive of him. It also hits on something I continue confused on as it is a big part of Cruz’s backstory, along with being that top law student, yet he is really bad in any kind of debate or argumentative interaction. He

What I found infuriating with that part is how the student editors try to play the victim card before the change would have fallen to the African-American staffer, at which point one of them sacrificed themselves in order to do the change. Like, the reason it was getting to that because the editors were refusing to do

Man, this was kind of confusing. Not because I think the students are somehow potentially in the wrong here, but rather that a lot of the stuff discussed is so vague. For example it would have been really beneficial to see an example of one of those criticisms by Griffin as at the moment it was ‘content good,

Excellent point, hadn’t considered that. Still, it might be good for the Biden campaign to push heavily for on-air fact checking or something as they have a really strong position after that debacle.

I’ve seen a couple of reports speculate on this, but I’m wondering what kind of crisis meetings the other networks are having about their debates as they have to realize that this can’t be what happens also with them. Additionally, I do wonder how the Biden campaign will react. Based on what Trump did here and the