
Hell, the way Trump just shrugged off Biden bringing up Beau to continue to attack Hunter was... I don’t even know how to describe it. It was clearly a strategy as they probably wanted to draw Biden in to attacking Trump’s children, but it was also clear that Biden campaign had prepared for that. Still, I don’t know

That Times headline was absolutely insane and they seemed to have removed the Biden calling Trump a clown part, although in the description they still refer to both of them resorting to name-calling. What makes it so weird, though, is that the article itself pretty much makes it clear that it was Trump that made it so

What amuses the most about this garbage take of a post is that even as someone who is positive on the New York Times, I thought their intial headline for the debate was absolutely baffling. For those who didn’t see it or references to it, their initial headline stated that the debate was acrimonious or something like

Biden appeared legitimately stunned at Trump’s response to the Proud Boy question. Like you could see that to him the question was setting up something down the line or trying to get a prepared zinger in at the debate, yet Trump not only refused to denounce them, but essentially acted like their leader.

After reading the article a few times, I still don’t quite grasp what the point of it even is? I mean a lot of people feel bad things after that debate, as has become apparent, but the weird swipe at Biden was so out of nowhere. It didn’t even relate to anything that happened in the debate and for some reasons put

I legit had to stop the interview for a moment there as I was just laughing so hard. For me, Harlow actually does a good job in the interview as she just focuses on that one question repeatedly and refuses to play  Morganstern’s diversion games. The moment she had to explain to good ol’ Brian there that the

I keep trying to imagine the moment Greene gets elected, goes to D.C. and walks up to Pelosi to tell her how the jig is up and she is about to get kicked out. Part of genuinely wonders if Greene would feel any embarrassement after Pelosi just stared at her for a moment and burst in to such laughter that she would need

It took me a moment to figure out where I knew Michaela Okland from and then I just started laughing so damn hard. Having written that, I do feel the article could have been a bit clearer that it was clearly a joke from her part.

The most ridiculous thing about this is the Trump campaign are essentially making more difficult for them with this claim as by constantly pushing that Biden is a senile coot, it sets the bar for Biden so much lower.

That was even better than I expected.

By the way, related to this, damn the work done by the Times reporters done here was astonishing. It wasn’t just getting the tax information, but all the additional background information and the way they have been able to connect all those strands of information.

As a forgotten sidenote, the NYT report actually points out that even when considering all the tax breaks for the super rich in the United States, most of them pay a lot more income tax than Trump does. Partially because the way Trump has built his network and played the tax game apparently has pushed it to a constant

It should be pointed out about the Times report, which is genuinely worth a read, that it isn’t just Trump avoiding taxes, it’s him actually pumping that money in to business in order to cover their losses. So Trump is legitimately losing a lot of money. One of the ‘funniest’ parts of the report is that there are

I could make it a minute in to that latter clip with Cruz before rage-quitting it. He starts by making a point that it’s funny how when he is called out on his hypocricy they don’t also play clips of the opposing side changing their tone. How four years ago they were for the sitting president nominating a Supreme

Really surprising, to the degree that I do wonder if something was coming up with Benoist’s contract. I mean the ratings are what they are, but still. By the way, how are Flash’s ratings holding up?

So it’s essentially down to Grassley and Romney? Dear Lord, although both are interesting as this plays a huge role in what they want their story to be.

I also think a problem with the Green New Deal is that it was AOC’s own office that screwed it up so bad by sending a description of it to the media that not only contained parts not in the bill, but also opened it up pretty badly for that conservative onslaught. It ended up hurting also the other congressmembers who

Will admit that this broke my heart a bit.

The depths of Barr’s horridness as the AG has been kind of wild. Yeah, I knew that he wrote that defense of the impeachment and all that before appointed, but I still don’t think that many saw this level of not just enabling, but just blatant disregard for any kind of pretension coming.

By the way, on the Despacito clip, there is some more context to it. Still cringy, but I thought for a different reason than the general response presented.