
Huh, I can’t think of a single reason for Caputo to immediately go on medical leave. Although I guess that battling a shadowy cabal of scientist who want to dispose the president by reporting virus deaths is taxing to one’s well-being. Go in to the night, good Caputo, knowing that you certainly did not got there

While overall I really dug the sense of the trailer, I groaned pretty hard at the proclamation that the character will potentially define the legacy of magic as they probably won’t considering the books and movies that pretty much set it up for the future. It’s one of the reasons why I always kind of sigh at prequels.

Jesus Christ, I don’t know which astonishes me more. The fact that Cramer actually called Pelosi that while interviewing her, in a manner that is clearly not critical of the term, or that his defense is that... he hates that people call Pelosi that horrible term? Like... Huh? I keep reading that and still can’t grasp

I’m sorry Venus doesn’t want to fit in to your neat little box about what a life producing planet should be like. Maybe it wants to do its own thing and have it all, you ever think about that?

Yeah, it’s really cool and a great way to help her continue to build up. It also kind of indicates of a creative mind Grohl has in that he automatically clicked on this.

This is just to ask for clarification regarding something written here. Why was it homophobic for the cast to claim that Richards slept with a woman? This isn’t defending the cast, but rather that what made the accusations themselves homophobic in this particular case?

I pretty much lost it when I got to the part where she was shouting about knowing people at Fox News, only for it to somehow get better as it was her mother trying to calm her down... At a music festival where she was riling up some teenagers.

Man, that Cassie newsitem was hard to read. I also have to admit that while it probably didn’t come out of nowhere considering how Colton reacted when Cassie left the show, it still caught me by surprise as the two of them came across as a sweeter than usual post-Bachelor couple for a while. Again another moment

Jesus Christ, another sexual assault allegation incident against McGregor? The dude is spinning out of control so hard and the enabling nature of those around him has to be insane. Especially since Conor had been tweeting about re-entering the testing pool as a sign that he was preparing a return to the UFC. Which had

Nothing related to the item here, just something I read a couple of days ago that has stuck with me. New York Times published an opinion piece about the Electoral College and why it is so bad for American politics at the moment. I suggest giving it a read here:

I think what makes the ‘Both siding’ here so weird is that hasn’t the site been really critical of that kind of coverage of the Trump White House previously?

Looking past Woodward’s decision on the timing here, I’m still absolutely staggered that Trump admitted the downplaying of things on tape. When I first saw the headline, I was kind of just shrugging past it as I could already see the traditional cycle of his supporters simply ignoring it like everything else, but then

For whatever reason that line about Biden using aviator glasses because he knows he looks good in them made me crack up pretty hard. It’s also one of those moments where, even if I hadn’t read the multiple reports and stories indicating it, where I would believe that Obama and Biden are genuinely friends as that feels

Regarding the Trump/military story, Trump is playing some 9D chess there. So John Kelly has not commented on the story, despite his friends reportedly pushing him to confirm them. So what did Trump do? Attack him during a Friday press conference, because the best defense is an offense so why not actively provoke Kelly

I’m torn as a part of my would like to see her try to provide a reasonable explanation on how she, a single congresswoman of the likely minority Congress party, would be able to cause any issues to the Squad, who are a small group within the majority Congress. However, at the same time I’m worried that she would try

No, if I understood correctly, there’s video of the first killing as well. Again, based on what I read, Rittenhouse is chased already there for reasons I don’t know and shoots the first person after someone else appears to fire a handgun in the air. The second video of him killing the other second person and wounding

There was a kind of fun, as well as deeply alarming, moment as Trump managed to go so off the deep end in an interview that even Laura Effing Ingram doing the interview kind of tried to pull him back in astonishment.

As someone who has played about as you apparently, I’m baffled by the argument that this would somehow be generational. Although considering the seeming glorification of the past games and implication that new games have it easy in the comment, maybe I shouldn’t be.

I think this problem was the worst in DAI as there were multiple characters where it felt like they were conceived with DA2's companion relationship system before Bioware decided that everything in DA2 needed to be removed from their system. As a consequence you had these companions with really extreme viewpoints

I did a replay of the Dragon Age trilogy a while back, which stopped at DAI, and something I realized DAO is that while it is still a fine game, I don’t think it ages well. The challenge with is that its big narrative innovation was to be one of the first big games to introduce morally gray and more grounded world