
As someone who also likes DA2, I might even claim I love that game, it was really awesome to realize about a year ago how hard the tide has turned on DA2 discussion. I mean there are still people that bash it, subjective opinions and all that, but I have seen more and more praise and appreciation for it and all it did.

But the most magnificent thing about Sebastian is that the other characters are continuously calling him out as all those qualities. The game is legit aware who he is within that story and treats him accordingly, which is a treat.

It wasn’t even the spread out areas in Inquistion, but the insistence that it be completely up to the player if they go somewhere or not. The huge problem was that it meant that they couldn’t tie any of the areas actively to the main story as they couldn’t assume the player would play them through. So not only are

I was honestly stunned halfway through the teaser how generic every description they used was. Like it legitimately felt like a satire of a game release or something. Also, and I write this having read some of the rumors, but Dragon Age Inquisition came out 6 and a half years ago, and they are only in the early

By the way, I feel it is essential to read the circumstances of the Rittenhouse shootings, at least little is know so far. Not because they absolve him, but rather because I think they damn the approach itself much more.

I still can’t really see how the Kenosha situation will spin out, but it is bizarre how complicated a political message it suddenly became. And I’m not trying to be dismissive of the human tragedy and suffering involved in it, words really can’t do it justice.

The NYT analysis pointed, and probably not alone, the weirdness of the RNC message in that Trump is needed to save America from the current chaos considering it all happened under Trump’s watch. Yet somehow Trump is responsible for all the good, but none of the bad, and is needed to stop the bad that happened with him

I’m actually intrigued by this as Albert Wesker has always been such a cool villain for reasons I can’t even articulate. Like he is so tropey it should be funny, but it all just works together.

I popped so damn hard when Reeves mentioned Ego as not only is it such a hidden gem of a Batman story, but in order to even know about Reeves really has to be familiar with the stories told with the character.

Looked a lot better than I expected for whatever reason, actually really looking forward to it. And I think the review hit on what I was finding difficult to articulate that there was this melancholy there, but also this sense of bucking against it instead of surrendering to it if that makes sense.

I’m a little bit torn as there was a lot I liked about in the trailer and am looking forward to the film. Yet at the same time, I kept thinking that the trailer was trying far too hard.

It’s interesting aspect I’ve become more and more aware in discussions over the past year. While cancel culture and purity tests are often used as jokes currently, kind of mocking this image of the right wing has, there has been this weird sense of refusing to tackle complicated legacies. And I don’t mean not

Only on the second reading did Reeves mentioning Ego hit me and got me even more pumped for the planned trilogy.

Yeah, that beatdown was the final moment that sold it for me as well, although I did like what we saw before probably more than you did.

I feel so relieved after loving that trailer as much as I did. Batman is my absolutely favorite character so there’s always this nervousness with new projects, but that just felt really good. There were also so many neats touches there that was delicious.

I ended up binging Teenage Bounty Hunters and being completely surpirsed how much fun it was for me. It had some rough patches, with especially the pacing in some of the storylines being kind of crazy, but it had the sort of heart that made it work. Even the April storyline which assumed certain emotional connections

Oh Jesus Christ I can’t fathom why DC is so determined to make Luke Fox, the most stupidly unnecessary character in Gotham, happen so hard. Especially considering every attempt they’ve made with the character has been thoroughly rejected by the readers.

What really worries me is that aside from the set up shot, there isn’t anything to even hint at character dynamics or where any of the four speak. I’m not feeling this is a story-driven game, which would suck so bad as I’ve been dying to get that damn Nightwing game.

Damn it, was psyched about this before I realized that they didn’t actually show any story development or emotional content aside from the start, which means that this will probably be that live-service Avengers type game.

Now playing

I just really wanted to share this here as it made me laugh so hard: