
I still cannot fathom that Palin claiming that she paved the way for Harris. Like I can because Palin is utterly shameless, but it still boggles the mind.

While the article is really interesting, I was a bit surprised by the limited scope of it, especially considering the title of it. There’s been a lot of discussion of late how OnlyFans has also shifted the dynamics a lot for female performers as well, yet they are kind of ignored here while it is supposedly about the

The fact that Trump used quotes when referring to Suburban housewives somehow made that rweet really hilarious.

As much as discussion there has been about the internal conflict within the Democratic party, it feels a question of time before the Q thing fractures the Republican party. There’s already been a lot of signs of trouble for them as it has stiffened a certain far right element of it which is necessary to win primaries,

Somehow the video was even more hilarious after rewatchign it now as it can’t maintain an internal logic for a 30 second attack ad.

I’ll be honest, I almost feel Harris was probably the nightmare pick for the Trump/Pence campaign. I mean sure they are going to lean heavily on the racism aspect, but that was happening anyway, but Harris is a strong presence who polls well, is a really good public speaker, has really shined during recent Senate

Seemed the most sensible choice, especially considering the readiness to govern if something happes to Biden and the fact that Harris polled astonishingly well among the voters. I think only Warren polled better. In addition, she’s apparently been killing at fundraising. I also think she’s a really good balance to

As someone who works in academia, although currently a national research institute, I cannot put in to words how instantly infuriated I become by someone trying to excuse knowingly having sexual interactions with students of their college, even if they do not teach particular students. It is such a bad situation and

Yeah, this season felt like a true journey for these characters, forcing all of the central cast to truly understand what they want from life instead of settling with their hesitations and fears.

As a sidenote, Root’s going off on that reporter still makes me laugh so hard. Even quoting it can’t do it justice as it once again was such a collection of awesome details. It wasn’t just that he gave his briefcase away to get in to that reporter’s face, but the reporter wasn’t standing down at all. It was absolutely

What a fantastic finale. Almost nothing that I expected to happen there happened, yet I’m completely satisfied with all the decisions they made and how powerful those narrative beats ended up feeling. I think the fact that it refused to give those clean endings just made the peace the main cast achieved somehow feel

I kind of like Vimes, but man is Lady Sybil throwing me out of the loop there. It isn’t the casting itself, but rather the pose with two axes which feels they are really going to redo that character completely.

Even if it doesn’t relate to the items here, I still need to vent about this. The more I read about how badly they messed up the Seattle Police Free Zone, the more baffled and almost infuriated I am. When they originally set it up a few months back, I thought it was kind of useless exercise as it was a group of people

I just started to play Horizon Zero Dawn on PC and Jesus Christ that game hooked me instantly.

I am baffled by these defenses as they don’t work there, they’ve only been on the show a few times when they as guest know they get preferential treatment, so why on Earth would they think they would have insight in to how it is to work at the Ellen show?

I’m continuously mystified that Trump is agreeing to these kinds of interviews both here and with Wallace a few weeks ago. Like he has to know these won’t go well.

The most magnificent thing about his argument how the deaths need to be shown per cases while minutes later arguing that they have so many more cases because they test more. The logic there doesn’t survive the daylight in anyway, which is delicious even if you know it won’t matter at all to any voter.

But what window has she given in to Della’s life or character since she was used to establish Della was gay? Like literally anything? In the scenes she has been in since that revelation, what has she done to inform of her or Della more than Della’s laugh after Hamilton asks about Hazel’s age?

But here’s a problem with the argument that Hazel is a flat character because she doesn’t need to be more: There hasn’t been a single Hazel scene in the last three episodes where it was necessary for her to be there. I mean she’s there, but there’s no real reason for her to be there and featured. Hell, we’ve had

I mean if I understood it correctly, Della is single in the books, but I also don’t think that needs to be a constraint here and that’s not why I think Hazel’s going to die or that Della would remain alone after that.