
Holbrooke is the lead detective, but he didn’t care about Seidel testifying, he wanted to Ennis to kill everyone who knew that Ennis was connected to the case.

Except, if you remember, that was what Birdy was trying to do before, having packed the suitcases and telling Alice that they have to run away.

As a slight note, now that Poor Pete may not actually be so Poor after all, I’m almost more certain that Hazel is going to die in the final episode. The way the character is present and continuously shown otherwise makes no sense to me. Having written that, would not be the first time I’m wrong.

It’s not even that Birdy was yelling that, but rather that she will go to any lengths to protect Alice, in a sense, probably partially due to the way Birdy sacrificed her as a child.

It only afterwards that this was probably the most brutal episode as it was filled with so many emotionally horrifying moments, but the way it never stopped to wallow in them just caused it to be this never-ending of sorrow in the best possible way. In addition, the fact that all of those moments were these common

Not playing this week, but bought in advance the Horizon Zero Dawn PC version and so looking forward to starting it next week after all the good things I’ve heard about it.

Thanks for the correction, I obviously misunderstood the stat when I read it.

To add to the general sense how ugly the post-Election is going to be, there are some small things that do give me unexpected.... optimism even if that is not quite the correct word.

As a slight note, it has been noted that, without a doubt through shee coincidence, Trump’s suggestion of moving the election date was tweeted minutes after the Commerce departement announced that the US GDP had fallen by 9.5 percent during the months from April to June. I can’t see anyway that would have contributed

The decision from the White House to include the FBI building money in to the emergency financial relief package was just stunningly insane, especially since they clearly didn’t bother telling the Senate Republicans about the decision. Although I do appreciate the awkward moment when Mitch McConnell learned live that

When I first saw a headline referencing Cotton’s argument, I honestly reacted by just shouting ‘What the fuck, Tom?’ in the privacy of my own home.

Cotton’s argument is even more tortured that as it is that, as Cotton himself states in the interview, the very Abraham Lincoln had claimed that the Founding Fathers had structured the Union in a way that would ultimately end slavery. Thus he rejects that USA is a fundamentally racist country and that the 1619 is

Yeah, the whole context of the scene has this awesome shift once Holcomb is revealed. I kept thinking why Ennis is allowing Holcomb to destroy his beloved car before realizing that Holcomb, in addition to the DA, are probably the only people Ennis is truly scared off.

To continue my gushing over this show, there were three moments that still stick with me

I got a sense in the last episode, which in turn heightened even more in this one, that something really bad is going to happen with Hazel, Della’s girlfriend. In the last episode, they made a specific point that she saw where Della was hding the evidence boxes and offered to help while here she was answering the

As kind of a sidenote on the first episodes, and another unfortunate comparison to Penny Dreadful, I think it is fine to take those first episodes slow and build up the structures for the characters like they are doing here as long as the show then starts moving based on those character choices.

Another brilliant episode. One of the things I noticed about the courtroom scenes is that there are so many small things happening constantly with the shots and performances that it is almost impossible to even keep track of them. Which I think is a brilliant choice as the outside courtroom scenes are usually very

I watched the Chinese film Double World on Netflix. My mind is still collecting itself from that as that was something.

As a sidenote, this film still has one of the biggest laugh moments I’ve had watching an action movie in the last few years.

This was one of those movies which I recommended to all my friends instantly after I saw it while also making it clear to them that the plot of the film will make absolutely no sense at all. Like when I was talking with a few after seeing it, we just kept cracking up while trying to explain motivations of key