
I laughed when I read Loeffler’s suggestion about the player uniforms having an American flag on them as a symbol of unity. I stared at the screen slackjawed when I read her assertion that the BLM wants to remove Jesus from chuch as... What? I blanked out again from confusion just writing it here.

Yeah, I mean I don’t expect Graham to lose, but now suddenly the RNC has spend a lot of resources in to secure his seat and are forced once more to play defense for one of their seat while the DNC can go on the offense.

I’ve already seen it pointed out that as much as fun as it is to mock Rand’s philosophy, and justifyibly so, this isn’t actually contradictory. Ayn Rand herself did get wellfare and her argument was that refusing payouts for the sake of it alone was dumb. It was just that she was also arguing that those payouts should

I was listening to an interview with the guy who did the New York Times poll, I know I reference the Daily a lot but it is so freaking good, and he brought up a really interesting point that I hadn’t really considered. When polling people about Biden, even before his presidential campaign, the thing is that while not

Related to McSally, I kind of love that one recent poll that suddenly has McSally up by four after all the previous polls that have her down by ten. I’m even more amused by how hard she is going to ride that one poll to claim momentum.

I completely forgot that this was also at the beginning of his producer career. Yeah, when considering that and all the other stuff mentioned here, it really explains a lot even if it doesn’t excuse it.

Really different story than I expected concerning the times, but something I can really see. It’s kind of funny, because I’ve also read a lot of stories about Cruise being really great to the crew and really providing a fun energy to the set. Not that that in any way contradicts this account here, but rather how it

I can’t comprehend why Miller would want it to be a prequel? There weren’t many questions regarding Furiosa’s background in Fury Road and there is absolutely no ambiguity where Furiosa ends up. Also Theron’s performance was such a core aspect of the character getting over like she did.

A Republican pollster pointed out that Trump had never talked about immigration before becoming the presidential candidate, so essentially him now hitching himself to the Confederate symbols is because he is convinced that is what he can ride to success. Don’t get me wrong, Trumply is obviously unbelievably racist,

Yeah, even there Jimmy’s still a lawyer at the beginning of the show.

Something that always astonishes me about The Dark Knight, aside from the sheer awesomeness of it, is that apparently Nolan was really chill on set and gave a lot of room for the actors to improvise and come up with their own approaches. It just feels difficult to fit that in with all the stuff happening on screen.

I cannot fathom how the choking story managed to somehow be even creepier than I assumed when reading the reference to a choking story.

As a sidenote, as the comparison is inevitable, while this show has its flaws, it is astonishing how it does everything better than Penny Dreadful did. Starting from the seemingly baffling assumption that if you start your show with a horrific ritualistic murder, maybe that should then be the focus of your show and

Aside from certain aspects of the pacing, I’d argue the show’s biggest issue is that it assumes everyone watching knows that Perry Mason will end up being this big time trial attorney. Thus it keeps hitting and setting up a lot of groundwork to establish how that will happen, including EB’s sickness, but it ends up

There are so many things to latch on to here, like bafflingly many, yet for me the thing that made me crack up the most was that one of the reasons he published this comic was because Trump had been compared to the Nazi regime. Which he feels is unjust while being completely comfortably comparing his state governance

Also there’s a massive difference in holding your silence after someone retweets false information about you personally and doing so when someone is posting porn after children’s art. Yet she seems to not only equavate the two, but both of those instances are used as examples of not going far enough to warrant a

I read that part about porn being tweeted to children in a thread about their art so many times as that just came out of nowhere before disappearing back there. Like what the hell? What children? Were there some actions taken to address the situation? How does this relate to JK Rowling? Why would she just

Torn by the news as I absolutely loved majority of the show and am really interested in seeing the growth of certain characters.

Netflix’s scheduling baffles me at times. For example here, here they are dropping this show a week before The Old Guard comes out. And while the two are distinct, their marketings do overlap with Theron’s starpower probably drawing away some attention from this.

To give credit, the lasso moment felt like a Whedon moment. And as I mentioned to someone else already, I think there is a third potential option here which makes it so difficult to match that scene with either director. That might very well have been a Geoff Johns scene as I could very easily see myself reading a