
True and, as stated, difficult to say for true. It just didn’t feel like a Snyder light moment to me. For example, MoS does have light moments, but they are still about that character, while that scene felt like wouldn’t this be funny to have this discussion here.

I realize that is is a over-generalization to a degree, especially because we are always exposed to the worst of the bunch in articles like this, but I’ve found myself become instinctually skeptical of any boss who uses adjectives to describe themselves as a boss or visionary terms when discussing their workplace.

While impossible to say for certain, this for me felt clearly like a Whedon scene. Just the tone was very different from what Snyder did with the first two movies.

I mean, in a certain way I get it. The original film was supposedly very different than what the Whedon version and was the vision the cast signed up to do. For example, Affleck came on board to play this really dark, lost version of Batman and Justice League basically made him a punchline, so yeah, it makes sense for

I continue to feel incredibly petty that my strongest reaction to the story, partially due to the lack of specifics, is that it confirms my initial sense that Geoff Johns was a major influence on the film. It still feels like a Geoff Johns film to me more than a Joss Whedon film, especially in the way it fawns over

Let’s be real, there’s almost no chance that was a Snyder scene. As much as there are people who like to loathe Snyder, Justice League shouldn’t be one of those reasons I think they reshot something from 70 % to 90 % of the film.

As a sidenote, while this completely besides the main point here, I was so pumped to read that Johns was a major part of the reshoots of movie. When I was watching it, I kept thinking it felt like a Geoff Johns movie in all the wrong ways from the way it fawned over Superman to its absurd manner of dealing with Batman.

I don’t think I’ve read complaints about Whedon’s sets before, aside the affairs thing. Doesn’t mean that I don’t believe Fisher or that this couldn’t be true, but rather makes me wonder if it was another feature of the tortured production. Also the enabling accusation makes me curious what exactly happened.

Isn’t the end game according to QAnon a miltary coup in the United States where all those evil leftists are court martialed? I mean, I wouldn’t exactly call that keeping it possible.

The best part about that is that the quote is from 2015, which explains how Nunes could make such a sensible comment. He just decided to switch teams after making it.

But based on this logic, what would the argument then be if Booker lost, as he most likely would have?

The weird thing about the hospital stat is that Patrick wasn’t wrong about hospital thing, as I read a news item that currently about 30 % of the ICU patients in Texas are COVID patients, but it somehow also manages to spectacularly miss the mark as the ICU units are still 97 % full. Which means they have had really

It should be pointed out that the establishment didn’t choose McGrath because they thought she might beat McConnell, but rather because she was able to raise a lot of money and would force the RNC to spend some resources in Kentucky in order to ensure McConnell’s seat. From that perspective, Booker presents an

And you could kind of feel that in the film. It was almost as if every time they started to lean on the Eurovision of it all, they pulled back hard and put the focus back on Lars/Sigrid. Like I got that it was the core relationship of the film, even if I considered it really boring, but even then they could have gone

I meant it was contradictory from a narrative point of view. The film builds for the moment where Sigrid expresses herself as an artist, which is shown as a huge beat, yet all it is her song how she just wants to go home back to that small town. Yeah, it made sense for Sigrid’s character and I understood Lars’s

As a sidenote, the ending of the film was something I both got and was confused by. So Lars’s big moment was that he finally let go and let Sigrid be the artist, to sing her song, which is her big moment in the film. Which results Sigrid’s greatest desire being to go back home and have Lars’s children. It felt oddly

Now playing

I thought it was enjoyable, even if the middle dragged hard when it became about Lars’s journey, I wished it had been more about the EuroVision itself. Although one thing I disagree with the review is that the compeition is almost satire, so instead they had focused more on the delightful insanity and sheer spectacle

An additional element concerning Trump’s popularity is that it is affecting the Senate races to an almost surprising degree, with the fate of the Senate much more open than previously expected.

Somewhat amusingly, in my native country, not only are the gyms open, but apparently the sick days for their employees have gone down drastically. To be fair, we were one of the least hit western countries for several reasons, so the risk of infection was lower as they begun opening anyway, but the increased hygienic

Why do you think they would resign if Trump lost the election? I mean, I guess everyone knows RGB is just hanging on until they hopefully get a Democrat president, but I haven’t read such speculation about Thomas and Roberts.