
I still can’t comprehend why they took Brian to the Vega home. Like those big time gangsters did not have any free safehouses anywhere?

There were so many baffling narrative choices in this show to the degree it was almost interesting. I mean, it wasn’t so bad that it was entertaining nor would I ever recommend this to anyone, but after having watched there are so many aspects I find myself wondering. Like the utter failure at some basic storytelling

By the way, and I’ve mentioned this several times before, but when the epidemic was starting to hit the US, the Daily did an interview with the NYT reporter covering the disease. It was a really stark interview, and one of the few times the host showed breaking in the face of the reporter’s view of the situation and

I can hardly wait the White House’s reaction when the Northeastern states move to stop travel from the infected states.

Something that really hit me when reading reviews of the film, even if I agreed with the general grade, is that a lot of the US reviewers had no real idea what Eurovision is and thus were trying to make sense was the film mocking musicals or praising them. And it is nearly to explain to someone who hasn’t truly

Not only that, I’d argue the movie is at its best/funniest when it focuses on the competition aspect instead of the Sigrid/Lars story.

Really nice list with a couple of podcasts I’ll have to check out.

I have to admit that I find myself doubting my perception of Vecepia Towery in retrospect. My first thought on her was that she was the first winner who felt like they almost lucked in to the victory, at least when I watched it back then, but now I find myself questioning the edit they gave her. Especially because

As often, I thought the Daily did a great job in giving context to the utter failure at Texas. What was really shocking, even if it perhaps shouldn’t have been, was how central the conflict between the red state government and the blue city leadership was in this. Especially because the state leadership felt they

I know that it can always be the power of editing, but Jesus Christ those responses from Herrera. I legitimately burst out laughing a few times due to their sheer audacity.

I have googled that several times after the first time someone pointed it out, but have hit nothing. This is also first time I’ve heard of it.

I only realized this film was coming when I saw the release trailer at which I point I realized that of course Will Ferrell would do a film about Eurovision just because he would totally get it.

As already pointed out below, the third person option would pretty quickly turn in to a nightmare if they want to give the player the option to change the body proportions or physically augment themselves in the game. There’s a reason why almost every third-person RPG sticks to that body shape when it comes to the MC.

As someone who was deeply disappointed in DAI, I think I kind of get the point here. When first playing through it, it is massive and it feels massive with all these things to do, so the initial percpetion is this overwhelming world. It’s one of the things that makes it so underwhelming, for me at least, as it seems

I can’t stop laughing about them writing a kidnapper stating that he would never do anything against his victim’s consent. I can only imagine the screenwriters high-fiving each other after that, thinking how they reflect the many deep layers of the guy.

Weirdly, I’ve heard a lot of good things about the people who run Kink.com. Even the occasional complaints I’ve read are more about certain hygienic conditions and potential pay issues, but never the truly exploitative or non-consensual stuff.

It should be noted that while the progressives won those three primaries, there were at least three other primaries in New York where the moderates either won or have a commanding lead at the moment. This isn’t to be dismissive of the progressive victories, just to note that the reality of those primaries are a lot

I need to confirm, but is your argument here that anyone who works in porn for a longer period of time is pretty much sociopath? As I got to give a hard disagree on that.

I don’t know, I don’t get that sense of Bree Mills and a couple of others nor I have ever heard anything of them, but also have to admit that who knows?

Yeah, when the Druid started talking how she stalked the MC, I could not comprehend how it was supposed to be viewed as romantic. But you forgot the Mask of the Betrayer, as awesome as that game was otherwise.