
I remember when I was watching the film and I honestly did a double-take when the bear thing happened. Absolutely love the film, but it was truly a moment that stuck with me.

Gone with the Wind is one of difficult films for me as while I get a lot of criticism and issues concerning it, I also absolutely love it on many levels and there’s something about Scarlett O’Hara that really fascinates me.

That was legitimately the most stunning part of the tone-deafness of the rally. Hell, even if majority of the participants were white men, at least have the sensibility to arrange the visual so that it seems that there are other people viisble when giving these speeches. Like is as basic as you can get.

Here’s the thing. I agree with pretty much everything you wrote and I think it is both noble goal and something that can be achieved as proven by Camden. There is a clear need to restructure US police departments as even if there will always be problems, just as there will be with any human organizations, it is such a

It’s quite literally been one of the few concrete examples I’ve read offered in the articles I’ve read about the push for abolishing the police force.

Was she at the restaurant? Then that is my mistake, I think I partially missed as she was not mentioned at any point of Lewis’s grand plan of shooting these two guys and thus stopping Nazi’s from taking over Los Angeles. So that they can build Hitler’s North American base there already now.

This show continues to be staggeringly dumb in even the unnecessary aspects of the story. So Lewis tells Dottie not to let the kid out of her sight, yet she later just casually strolls to his apartment which is fine because the kid is asleep. Yet she’s not there for Tiago’s and Lewis’s stakeout, so why did she need to

For me, that discussion between Mateo and Josefina was so hysterical that I almost felt bad about laughing as hard as I did. Like the scene was approximatley the following:

What I found really interesting, and this is from the Times’s own piece on Bennet’s resignation, is that apparently within the organization he was considered to be a possible successor to Dean Baquet who has been the newsroom chief for six years now. This was a dramatic fall from grace and I can’t comprehend why he

I’ll be honest, if community volunteers is their answer, I don’t see how it doesn’t end up a huge disaster. It’s not even education and re-orientation question, but then also jurasdiction, some volunteers handling the complexities of murder investigations, the tendencies of communities not to hold their own

They rushed to publish it which meant that it apparently skipped the regular fact-checking people. So it’s not even that he didn’t read it, but then he allowed the opinion piece to skip parts where other people would have read it.

While there are things I enjoy about the book, I do groan at the Joker background, especially how hard it leans on the Joker being abused as a child. It just takes away from the character when he is explicitly given the regular serial killer background.

I’m so confused by the response. So the issue about adding a black moderator is the messages about the racism experienced by non-Black minorities? I mean couldn’t they then have just also appointed an Asian-American moderator in addition to an African-American moderator? There can be more than one minority

I was trying to find a more diplomatic approach, but can’t really disagree. For example the context given here for the ‘Those should be billable hours’ comment is completely wrong here.

Really awesome interview and it has been really intriguing to follow how good Conan has become in discussing matters in general. Only issue I have here is that I don’t really know if the description written here matches the tone and general nature of the discussion between Conan and Bell.

Someone pointed out, and I assume I will be corrected if the claim is faulty, that neither Nixon or LBJ used military force to disrupt protests outside the White House despite those protests being much larger. When Nixon and LBJ are the positive comparisons, you are really hitting a new level of awful.

Question to those with legal knowledge, but how difficult are the qualified immunity and reasonability standards going to make the prosecutors work here? This isn’t to be a negative, I am just genuinely curious how it will affect things in this particular case considering the video evidence.

As a note, my ‘favorite’ part of that Trump march to the church was that when a reporter asked him if the Bible he was brandishing was his, Trump’s response was that it is a bible.

The latest Daily was on the entrenched mechanisms which protected police officers from repercussions and it was a fascinating listen, even if I thought they skipped the qualified immunity part over surprisingly fast although they admitted it was the big thing. Probably because it is such a massive individual

What I love most about that footage is that it doesn’t seem like the person filming the two of them is hidden in anyway. So these two idiots decide to fake this scene, but don’t give a second thought when someone stops to film them.