
I will freely admit I started laughing pretty hard after reading that first paragraph as I almost instinctually knew that this was going happen. On Friday, Biden gave a speech about racial relations in the US which took many by surprise as it was a starkest speech about racial disparities in the US made by a

Yeah, but the article started by a proclamation about how much the writer will to ensure Biden victory. So certainly she wouldn’t blatantly misrepresent what was being said in order to cast Biden in the worst light possible.

When they did that wide shot of the shack and the people just hanging out there, my jaw hit the floor. Again, it would have been such an easy answer in that ‘Mr X saw you come here, Mateo.’

While in a certain way I get the pragmatic reasons for this, for example I’m certain the Secret Service was glad about not making the building a clearer target, it is still a somewhat baffling symbolic decision.

By the way, as has been noted already, the pacing of this show is absurd. The episode starts with Tiago and Lewis bringing in the kid and sets up the stakes for the interragation. Then, I checked this from the feed, it takes a fifteen minute break to quickly touch on the other storylines that don’t really connect at

It is really amusing that Captain Vanderhill appears to be the most committed police officer at that precinct, but the show doesn’t appear to realize that, which in turn leads to these really bizarre scenes with him. Like he appears to legitimately want to put the right people in jail, keeps asking for stuff like

When Maria appeared at the hideout and utterly skipped Mateo’s reasonable question of how did she know they were there, I just started laughing so hard. It would have been relatively easy for them write an answer there, but why bother?

Now playing

I thought Trevor Noah also had a really great response video on this where he tries to contextualize how there are numerous recent events that led to this.

It was meant as a joke concerning how casually Trump is threatening to have military fire on US citizens.

Well, naturally I feel that Twitter is in the wrong here as how is the President of the United States threatening to have the military shoot citizens somehow glorifying violence?

Okay, I feel that comparison is unfair to Lex who was still supercompetent. It is just that he had a certain view of the world.

I still can’t really comprehend Trump’s decision to rescind the Section 230 protection from social media companies. Not just because it apparently has almost no chance of surviving the courts based on the legal expert comments I saw, but because it feels so bizarrely self-harming.

I mean this has to be one of the most corrupt US administrations to this point? I realize that they were really bad and this isn’t somehow defending the goverments of the 19th and 20th century, but in context this is pretty bad. Like they made the Justice Department a complete lackey to them and I don’t know how else

While this is naturally one side of the story and it might all very well be manufactured, I find it really difficult to fault Cooper for getting an additional bonus if she really did provide additional work by editing the videos. If she does more work, then she also deserves more compensation unless for some reason

That ERA Burial party was so well shot and directed as it constantly felt disgusting and gross. Just the camera angles and the expressions as people cruelly mocked those feminists while paying lip service about the fight of women.

I did not except the show to hit the landing as great as it ended up doing as that was just awesome. Heartbreaking, certainly, but still superb.

The fact that Trump was asking Comcast, a private company, to open up a criminal investigation was one hell of a start to this story.

I’m really confused by the number comparison. So Osaka made 8 million dollars more than the previous record holder Sharapova made in 2015, yet only made 1.4 million dollars more than Williams? So did Williams also make more money last year than Sharapova had in 2015? Or what is the comparison number here?

After I stopped chuckling at the recap’s point about how the two detectives have not closed a single case, it hit me that Tiago has legitimately never solved a case.

As a note, the V-2/Nazi storyline is utterly non-sensical even for the standards of this show. So there’s a bunch of student at the University of California that apparently are close to solving the rocket issues? Fine, except for some reason only that one student who seems to be working on it?