
For me, one of the big signals of how bad this show is is that we are five episodes in and I have no idea how I would simply describe this show to someone or even tell them what kind of a show it is. If you think on it, the marketing for the show heavily leaned on that ritualistic murder and how the first Latino

Tiago had no damn idea that Josefina got assaulted as she didn’t tell anyone in the family, not even the mother. Also Tiago didn’t need Raul to tell him that Mateo was involved in a gang as they learned that during the family dinner in the last episode. That was why Tiago so strongly suspected that Mateo was involved

I legitimately burst out laughing when Tiago not only started wrestling with that kid, but also seemed to have really big difficulties holding him down before they just let the boy to run away. That was some big hero stuff there.

I’m legitimately shocked that I haven’t seen that ending being discussed more as I don’t know how else to consider except as deeply offensive to the legacy of Catherine the Great. Yeah, she was a despot who abused her power, but she was also so unique and for them to do that was... I don’t even the words for it.

I finished The Great and am so torn about it. As a whole, I absolutely loved the show and do recommend it to people, but those last fifteen minutes of the final episode were so horrid that I’m still struggling with it. Like what the hell were they thinking there.

Yeah, the story just clicks with Emily on a very different level and everything seems to flow. With Corvo, at least for me, I just keep thinking ‘...Why are we doing this again?’. It just feels like a repeat and the story never manages to justify why it has to him.

I decided to do a replay fo the Dishonored games and am at the moment in the second to last mission in Dishonored 2. To be completely honest, somehow Dishonored 2 is even better than I remembered it to be and I am constantly amazed how much nuance and fun stuff there is in that game. Although it also made me laugh as

If Joe Biden does as he has indicated and decides on only serve on term if elected, I’m assuming the prize at the end of the line for the VP hopefuls isn’t Biden, but being the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee four years from now.

The worst part of it is that it is clear that he just made a stumble and was initially saying that he tested positively. Yet instead of chuckling on it and correcting that he meant he tested negatively, which honestly would have been completely fine, Trump just had to spin it in this insane manner as the dude just can

I was kind of curious about that as well.

I have to admit, I’m much more excited by this than by Hoult. With him, I’m assuming they would have gone with a younger top guy fighting it out with Cruise, which while certainly a potentially interesting story, doesn’t really visually seem that interesting.

I’d also add that nto only was the schedule known, there are already several CW DC shows where the main actors work those schedules at the same location. So there was data available and there is no way Rose went in to this blind. I also repeat the argument of her lacking experience in the article is a bizarre one as

Based on this situation, I don’t know how that cannot be true as there’s no way the producers would have let her walk away from the show just because the scheduling was uncomfortable.

It had to have gotten really bad on set if they came to this conclusion as I don’t think any of the DC CW main actors had big series or movie role experience before the shooting started.

The fact that Clark-Flory wrote this is what makes it so painful for me as I have absolutely adored majority of her articles here and the perspective she brings. Yet this, I don’t know.

After reading this article, and I do respect the particular writer a lot, I don’t know anymore what Jezebel considers relevant information when it comes to Reade accusation? Even the Politico piece referred here isn’t exactly what the article depicts it as as it focuses on the fact that Reade has had an alleged of

There were two really minor points in this episode that made me smile so hard. First was when they showed Phyllis’s response to the poll where her argument is that it can’t be done by a trusted source as evidenced by the obviously false results.

I should have seen the Paulson Power Hour coming along, but it still somehow caught me off-guard. This episode was a sheer delight and really leaned on Paulson to successfully carry Alice’s journey through the convention. And how awesome was that character arc with so many delcious moments like her thinking that

That performance by Paulson was just astonishing. Like I have no words. It also came out of nowhere as I just didn’t think Alice as a character had this in her.

I’m assuming the contract should be something like that, which is why I’m really curious about what happened behind the scenes and hope that there is some further reporting on this just for the sake of my curiosity. I mean, there’s no way Rose is doing this without the producer’s permission without taking a massive