
Yeah, Ruby’s physical presence was a huge issue for me from the start of the casting to actually seeing her, but can’t claim about happy about this as it is just absurd. What I have most questions on is the contract as I can’t imagine them casting a CW DC main role without long term commitment.

I’m really intrigued by the idea they are presenting for character progression and not tying it to XP as I didn’t think it really worked in Origins and especially Odyssey. Additionally, when you have maps like that, it is virtually impossible to pace the challenge as it is so easy to pump the character level far above

As an addition, that Josefina storyline was insane. Not because of the components, but the pace. It was 15-20 minutes of episode time over which she gets sexually assaulted, witnesses her family writing, get shrugged off by her angry mother in a situation where I couldn’t understand why she even attempted to discuss

On a positive side first, this episode had probably some of the best directed scenes in the show so far and some of them felt truly powerful. Having written that, the writing in this is bafflingly bad. It isn’t even that they are going for something that doesn’t quite work, but that I can’t fathom numerous decisions

Slight correction to the recap. The first scene in the Mexican town was when Berman’s traitoreous goon stole the gun shipment he talked to Michner about. So it happened in present day.

I think that what frustrates me the most here is that that part of the first paragraph is utterly unnecessary. If the article skipped that, not only would it avoid that weird argument, but it would actually be even stronger. The whole point of it is that when the news report being referred to here, they found no

Here’s the thing. I don’t think you can expect Reese or Jezebel to write positive articles about Biden. It is a bit tiring at times to force that snark on everything he does, but they should also have the room to be critical of his actions and choices, even if he is running against Trump.

When the accusations originally came out, I was hesitant just on the lack of pattern of behavior, which mattered to me a lot considering the description of events, but also thought it was quite possible for similar stories to come out. I was more enraged at Halper and Grim for the awful journalism job that they had

The media part of Reade’s initial telling is another really weird part about the story that I found myself thinking on again.

Okay, can I just state how hilarious it is that the article sums up Biden’s defense as somehow “Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?” after for a length of time actively ignoring the multitude of journalistic efforts that failed independently support Reade’s accusations and when referring to another piece

As a minor note, I was initially really surprised that Midge was the same sex relationship story beat here after the Brenda episode, but then I realized there is no way in Helll Brenda would ever discuss that subject with Bella.

For me, one of the absolutely strengths of this show is how much it loathes Phyllis Schlafly. Which is really remarkable considering how much popular culture often struggles with female villains.

Man, I really wish the science editor of the biggest newspaper of my country read the paper in question as under his wing the science section has become a really big standard bearer for evolutionary psychology, especially regarding intelligence being majorly an inherited quality. This isn’t meant to be utterly

No, I also geared up the assasination gear, to a degree I mean, as the mechanic is such that you still have to also account for combat. So you’re kind of stuck between the two. Still a bad mechanic.

Oh God, I had forgotten who frustrating that was. It was so annoying because it would give you that expected damage that would leave this slight sliver of health left, but it also might mean that you could one-hit kill them. Except you never knew what were the circumstances where the latter would happen and if you

I’m so glad to read this. One of the frustrating aspects of Odyssey was how basically had to spend so much skill points on the Assassin tree in order to get the damage up there, and even then most of the higher level enemies wouldn’t go down with one strike. Which otherwise would have been fine, except every larger

I’ve been wondering the same before in this episode they established that Rio looks like Dormer. It was such a crazy, non-sensical beat.

So Magda is a shape-shifting demon who can split other entities from herself, yet always shapeshifts in to an exactly the same looking Caucasian woman? Why is this show so dumb. Like I get that they wanted to explain why it was always Dorner, but was it really necessary? And couldn’t they have done a mirror spot or

I can’t comprehend Townsend. Like two episodes ago he was being blackmailed in to helping Nazis. Okay, yet here he’s suddenly demanding that those Nazis go and kill political rivals without much story on internal conflict or anything. The character is somehow so broad that it is impossible to figure him out despite

I’ll admit, I lost it at ‘Multiple lawsuits pending’. Again there are just so many small details going there that kept me cracking up.