
Oh, I realized it was the prophecy was the same as uttered in the beginning, it was just so vague that it was ultimately meaningless. Also, there was something utterly hilarious about having the manifestation of death literally refer to a prophecy that exists. It would have been so much more powerful if she had just

At the end, I legitimately was utterly baffled by what the hell they were thinking with that Layla storyline in Odyssey. At first I was excited about it as it felt like a story of hubris, quite fitting to the Ancient Greek setting, about Layla being so certain that she was the chosen one before falling from grace and

While I agree that Layla had an arc in Odyssey, that ending of that arc was so absurdly bad that I wouldn’t really count it as a positive.

What has been, for me, the disappointing part of all this is that once the original article came out and, as you stated, effed up everything so badly due to the horrible job they did, there was a brief moment of reflection on progressive ‘journalistic’ sites like this. And to Jezebel’s credit, that was the first

Fair enough point.

And this kind of hits on why this particular article was once again such a baffling take from Jezebel. It is alright to say that Biden is asking you to take his word on faith, that is literally happening with him and with Tara Reade at this point. However, to scoff at Biden not being able to provide evidence is just

Yeah, it’s such a weird case. I can’t fault anyone for believing Reade’s allegations, there’s are difficult things to make public and her telling of it is very compelling. However, I also don’t think it is fair to dismissive of those having hesitations as there are so many odd aspects involved. The big one being the

As a sidenote, two legitimate questions that have puzzled me and I’m hoping someone more in the know can aid here. First, is it common practice for the senate files to also contain personnel records? Second, if Reade herself stated that she turned over the complaint to the Senate personnel office, then why would be in

This kind of hits why I thought Biden’s response to the allegations was always going to be a meaningless exercise as what would it truly accomplish. This isn’t meant as a defense as it would be the case if he did or did not do it. And at that point it just ends up reflecting on what believed before that statement as

Except what they are suggesting is actually pretty far from what Witcher 3. This feels much growth of a place which Witcher 3 never really did. Note that still love the game. Actually, thinking on it, what their idea actually reminds me is what Bioware wanted to do with Dragon Age 2. Which would be an awesome game to

For me, Alexios never hit the balance as Demios. I agree that there needed to be that petulance, it was how the character was written, but with that voice actor that was all that Demios was, which hurt everything else about that particular narrative journey.

Natakas was so boring it was physically hurt at times.

Agree to heavily disagree on Alexios’s as Demios.

Really, really excited for this game and both the trailer and the released information raising my expectations even more.

I’m a little bit torn on Kassandra. As a character, she’s a bit of a mess as a consequence of the scattered narrative of Odyssey and I would both Bayek and Evie ahead of her as a character. However, as a performance, Kassandra’s voice actress does an amazing job. Especially when you compare it with what the hell is

So much gratitude for the link as it really addressed a couple of my big questions/concerns. Especially the narrative focus on the settlement is a big thing as it felt, based on the interview, clear that they had realized much the map scope of Odyssey limited the narrative design. As you moved around such vast spaces,

Beyond excited for it. While both Origins and Odyssey had their stumbles, I felt there was a sense of building things up and testing new mechanics out. So I’m intrigued to see how they are improving the Odyssey quest and character mechanics as while it was enjoyable, a lot of times it felt like they were just trying

On the first question, I was confused on that scene as well as I thought that Fred was a senior partner and he did refer to it as his law firm. I think the general implication was that Fred felt like he was being swept aside both at home by Phyllis and at work.

I feel the need to praise Blanchett’s performance once again as what she did with Phyllis in this episode was magnificent. From that skin crawling moment of calling Fred Daddy to the reaction to Fred stating that Phyllis was submissive to the way she physically shrunk after stating that Fred had wasted his law degree

Two small sidenotes related to Brenda. First, it was so thrilling to watch Brenda just wreck Phyllis there. Second, I really liked that Brenda didn’t even know if she liked Jules as, let’s be honest here, Jules’s seemed kind of like of a jerk. It was more about what Jules allowed Brenda to be instead of how awesome