
What an absolutely fantastic episode. I knew that there had to be a queer episode coming and was a little bit concerned that it would be Margaret focused. Not because I don’t think her story and what she represents isn’t important, far from it, but because I was worried that they would focus the queer issue too much

Reading this review kind of made me realize what has been nagging me in Murphy’s production. It is a very clear that he is interested in outsider’s and their struggles, but it also feels his whole perspective there is always very specifically about the ways he felt like an outsider. As a consequence, while he is

I actually recommend reading that McEnany profile as it was kind of wow. My personal favorite part might have been Mike Huckabee, on whose show McEnany worked for a while, speculated that the reason she went to law school was because Fox refused to put her on-air.

I also feel it will probably be something more complicated than just Batman killing the Joker as in that situation I don’t understand the narrative approach here. That would seem to be something you just put out there from the start instead of teasing it as it is such a huge part.

...Literally what else could that mask be, but the Confederate flag? And even ignoring the weirdness of it being the flag from another state, it doesn’t look at all like the Kentucky state flag. For the first time in a long time, I feel like people of Kentucky have a legitimate reason to be offended here.

Three small side notes/questions. First, while I realize it was completely a coincidence, I cracked up pretty hard when Magde first basically explains her Joker motivation and then, directly after the time shift, we see victims of a brutal crime with painted faces.

I really didn’t like the first episode, even if it left me a bit torn. I like the world and concept, but the show manages to be simultaneously ridiculously blunt while also extremely confusing. I mean there were several moments where it felt like the show runners kept hitting the scene with a mallet before leaning

I’m certain this decision has nothing to do with the White House deciding to stop with the daily Corona press conferences, which in turn was utterly unrelated to Trump telling people to inject themselves with disinfectants in front during a live broadcast.

Two small side-comments. First, I absolutely loved the Miley Cyrus performance from home.

That was such a delightful episode that really leaned on crazy weirdness we are living in. I still can’t believe that they managed to not only make What’s Up With That sketch without the studio, but that it turned out o be as magical as that. Like I can’t praise the effort in this episode enough.

While Warren is a really strong candidate overall and would be a stellar choice for Vice President, my only concern would be the age. Biden’s 77, Elizabeth Warren is 70. It feels like it might be a good idea to balance Biden’s age with a younger VP, but there aren’t that many choices on that front, especially ones

It gets even more awkward, as in order to justify the claim that it was sarcastic, Fox News would have to show the clip. Where the context makes it utterly clear that it wasn’t sarcastic.

Two small notes. First, that McConnell comment was about states was legit insane. Just as insane, as not unexpected, was him describing it the blue-state bailout which Jesus Christ.

I legitimately started laughing when I first read Trump criticizing Kemp’s action. Like I realize nothing matters to that 40 %, but I do get a kick trying to figure the mental gymnastics they are going to need to do in this case. That was such an absurd 180 that I actually cracked up again writing this comment.

Really interested to see the execution. As the previous one was the first of its kind, I’m certain they got a better grasp what did and didn’t work. So this might be one of those situations where you can see certain improvement rather quickly.

...Yeah, I remember? And? That actually address my criticism at all.

For me, that has been one of the revelatory parts of his podcast as visiting comics constantly put over how it influenced their comedy.

I kind of realized it afterwards, but for some reason I kept thinking the groom was Phyllis’s son, partially because they had announced the wedding at Phyllis’s house. I think?

Conan deciding to read out the TIBCO website information was just sublime. As for his relentless roasting of the boss.

Another aspect that distracted from this episode was that it was probably the worst directed episode so far with a lot of scenes just shot really weird.