
As a more positive note, the John Birch Society discussion in Phyllis’s newsletter office was genuinely hilarious. I think my favorite moment was ‘I’m not with the John Birch Society, but they are totally fine and not racist at all. Again, not taking money from them.” approach by Phyllis. Also, she was totally getting

For me, the big problem with this episode was that while Betty Friedan is an interesting character, the show’s approach with her really isn’t. For the past episodes, they have treated as this blunt, oblivious object, so it really struggled then to suddenly those necessary layers to her. Because of that, it didn’t

It was weird to realize that Empire was only finishing now. Considering all the hype and height it reached during the first season, I can’t recall as massive fall for a show in recent history. And there were some really good analysis pieces over at AV Club about how the showrunners’s inability to reign their worst

This is going to be one hell of a court battle where the Supreme Court will probably once again side with the president.

I’d add that the episode also highlights of both. The McGovern campaign reneging on the abortion promise was a blatant example of the political calculation being taken too far, but I also loved the women’s delegate address. They got so swept up by the idealism of Chisholm that they weren’t just neutral on McGovern,

As a completely unrelated sidenote, I completely get why presidents don’t investigate their predecessor’s actions while at the White House as there is that need for a smooth political transition. Once one of them makes that decision, it would create a precedent that would have truly destructive ripple effects.

Okay, now I know that people are going to jump on the liberal band-wagon here and claim that just because the Trump campaign is allegedly paying two of his sons spouses a ludicrous amount of money is somehow nepotism. And to those I say do you have no shame. Can you not see how much these women accomplish by their

Wasn’t Little Al the son of the Alfred who took Bruce in? It is so difficult to explain how bad that script was to people who have not read it. I think I read it twice as the first time through I kept thinking I must be getting something terribly wrong here.

Yes and no. So the city was still looking for Bruce during the film, with the idea that if he is not found by a certain date, he will be declared dead, and one of the storylines of the film is that Alfred’s son, Alfred Jr, is pushing Bruce to claim his inheritance as he and his father knew who Bruce really was. It’s

I’ve already read the script of the Aronofsky Batman film, at least the one wildly claimed to be it, and I have to be honest in that it was really bad. To the degree that I don’t know how one could claim it was really close to the Batman: Year One comic.

Yeah, hell I’d argue Affleck does an excellent job selling the character in BvS: DoJ. Of course I am one of those who loved the movie, but I also did think there weren’t that many issues with the reception for Affleck’s work aside some with a weird focus to memes.

Now I realize that it is easy to blame Taylor’s loss on the indicative sexism of her chosen party. However, having that campaign video of hers, I might also offer another option. Her campaign might have been really bad as there were so many parts in that video that desperately needed someone suggesting improvements.

It always makes me scream makes that claim, no matter the country, as what the hell does that even mean? Do they realize how much actual work being in Congress includes? It’s one of those statements that where the idiocy becomes evident when you think about it as they are basically saying they want to go and collect a

So after taking a pause in my Dragon Age replay after finishing Dragon Age 2, I decided to start Dragon Age Inquisiton. And after playing about 10 hours, something really hit me. Now replaying the previous two games has been enlightening. With Dragon Age Origins, for me the game really hasn’t aged that great, but it

As a slight note, I have to give credit where credit is due. After all the mindnumbing stuff from Trump, you kind of feel there’s nothing he can do to really surprise you at this point. Yet his comparison of the Northeastern states’s decision to form that alliance to the movie Mutiny on the Bounty did make me go

I’ve mentioned this elsewhere, but the most pitiful thing about Trump posturing is how much he is flip-flopping and blinking instantly someone challenges him on it. Like seriously, this weeks time series has been:

My semi-favorite thing about this is that Trump just recently told during the press conferences that the state re-openings will be up to the governors and the White House will back their decisions up. This sure as hell doesn’t feel like backing that decision.

I seriously don’t like taking Biden’s side in these things, as I would prefer a more progressive candidate, but then I read stuff like this article and just sigh.

Age does things to the body and the muscles.

As a sidenote, as much as I loved the episode, there was a narrative decision that bothered me during it and really stuck out to me while reading the recap here. The 1972 Democratic Primary was extremely contentious and there was a really strong ‘Anyone but McGowern’ southern Democrat movement that actively that tried