
haha bobby! this is minecraft. this is almost as funny as when your colleague Ashley did a similar piece 4 days ago, and, can you believe it, used a digimon image! funny!!!

Translation: Hey Everyone. Stop enjoying things. That is all.

Court case? I believe the library has some newspaper articles on microfilm on this issue.

Why do we even need a book? The court case is very informative.

Why do even need a documentary? There’s a book out there, I’m sure. Nothing wrong with telling the story in a new medium.

Shouldnt you be busy snapchatting yourself playing Pokemon Go on your hoverboard while talking about it on yik yak as its live streamed on periscope to Facebook?

“The things I want to buy are not on sale” != “Everything sucks”

“The things I want to buy are not on sale” != “Everything sucks”

An English major.

In England Suki can be a shortened form of Susan.

He seems way too amused during the whole clip. Like, he’ll nevvvver understand what he did wrong that day.

WHO CARES, look at Benny Cumb, sitting over there, looking like a dark haired otter.

YAS that’s what I noticed too. I was like, “Whatever about those two, Benedict Cumberbatch has brown curly hair again which means more SHERLOCK!!!!”


Looks like it’s much better to be Cumberbatch’s lady! And Bradley Cooper reminds me of my ex who used to make me cry in public BC he was a total douche nozzle. Run girl, run.

But Hugh Grant and Benedict Cumberbatch are having a good day.

To be viewed to the tune of “Nothing Else Matters.”

I accept! If only to harvest your exceptional and elven stem cells as dowry.

One reason we get so annoyed about this is because we can follow all these dumb rules and still get raped. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped drunk. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped sober. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped by strangers. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped by friends. People want to set up all these

Short of Micheal Jackson level skin bleaching, theres no amount of Metropolitan, Hipster or Metrosexualizing that will make a black man less black in the eyes of racists.

There’s a deep sense in irony when we respond to fear of profiling with more profiling