
My workplace lumps together vacation and sick time as PTO. So sometimes it’s more like, “Take a vacation, or hang on to time off for dear life because you might get a sinus infection.”

President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.

I don’t think people like the book bc it’s informative or realistic about kink lol. I think it’s an easy read with a good enough hook and wish fulfillment qualities. I’m just trying to figure out how I can do this and get some of those EL James dollars...

Eating leftover lasagna and I literally set my fork down because that line had me laughing so hard. (I would never normally take a break midway through leftover lasagna.)

That’s not much of an elaboration but nice try.

Great point, care to elaborate, or are you too scared to share your wisdom?


I thought the point of the books is that once you get married, you mature out of kinky sex and only do the nice missionary kind? (I couldn’t read past the first chapter - but that’s what I read about it- Jaime only like the kinky stuff because of his traumatic past and Anna’s magic vagina cures him.) It seems like

I’m no labor lawyer, but that’s also what I was thinking. They can certainly fire her and give no reason, but using the social media code of conduct as the cause would probably give me heartburn if I were their general counsel. That is, assuming I’m not missing any thing important, which I often am.

From your comment to god’s ear.

They left out the part where she gets pregnant and they have baby and this is really just Vanilla wish fulfillment but like when you scoop vanilla out from a neapolitan mix and get a little bit of chocolate on the side.

Yes, but technically, if they market themselves as a nonpartisan contractor (which pretty much they all do) and then they fire someone for expressing a liberal (vulgar) opinion while being publicly associated with the company, but not someone expressing a conservative (vulgar) opinion while being publicly associated

I am jealous that you had such an opportunity. The best I have been able to do is giving the finger to the Trump hotel in DC. I also did while I was running. I didn’t even think about it, I just saw that horsefucker’s name and my finger shot up.

But Akima told her that as government contractors, rude hand gestures towards the president is bad for business. Which is probably true, the president is very sensitive.

It’s ok, I’ll double up to make it up for it.

PS I hope that stubby fingered cheeto saw it.

She should write it down and make millions then. EL James is rich as fuck.

I have this neighbor in her late 40's that turns everything around and makes it innuendo. She always talks about bubble baths and wine and reading and how no man can handle her. You get it... I feel like this is what goes on in her mind.

Gah, I love these horrible movies. Pretty, smutty, low stakes. Exactly what the doctor ordered in these exhausting times.

Yeah, but Abe did it with a bit more panache.