

Great. Now I’m creeping through your twit pics and Instagram, wondering where you’ve been my whole life. lol

LOL. I’m glad you like the herpes sore comment. I meant it. In the most horrible way possible.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

There’s a (non-DSM) term for this: Orthorexia.

Doesn’t Oprah own like a $10 million share of Weight Watchers now? Don’t underestimate how much this is just about an investment for her.

Can’t tell you how many posts about lynching black people I’ve reported to Facebook only for them to tell me they don’t violate their “community standards.” As far as I can tell in order for it to be taken down a post must say something very specific such as “we’re going to lynch specific black person X for racist

I know I reported several image “memes” that were clearly designed to spread bigotry and xenophobia back around election time and they were all deemed “OK” by FaceBook. Very frustrating.

I am sick and tired of white people replying to things similar to this with #NOTALLWHITE PEOPLE because it sure seems that it is a great deal of White people who are either like this officer or willing to look the other way.

The WaPo had a very good article about what sort of posts FB leaves up and takes down. Evidently this “fine” post met community standards. /s

You had me at Ingaliish.

$5 says he’s ‘pro-life’ too.

Oh, so I post something about how I’m so racist I’d be willing to kill a baby and suddenly I’m the bad guy? Damn libruls ruining the country.

Well at least they’re not Mississippi!

This guy was very casual about posting this kind of stuff and these people worked together everyday. This guy was the assistant chief, sorry but there is no way the chief, and probably lots of other officers, didn’t know this dude was a crazy racist and they were all OK with it enough to not do shit until the public

What is. this White. Nonsense.

Well, I’m sorry for what happen

Lol you’re fine. There’s a lid for every pot.

It sounds like you like the idea of orgasm, but not sex which can include orgasm and a lot of smells, sounds, tastes, fluids. As the buddhist saying goes: No mud, no flower. It’s not just a sex thing. It’s a life thing.