
Lol. Sounds like he’s ahead of the game for the college dorm.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that lunch. I say use what you have, don’t waste food, but also, be judicious. Again, nothing wrong with bread, cheese and sweet.

I hope it pours rain in D.C. all weekend.

Damn. Now I need to have this.

I can only imagine him fondling his sweaters.

That sounds about fucking horrifically American.

This is interesting to read. As someone who seems able to post in a couple areas (AV, The Takeout), but blocked out almost everywhere else, despite being a respectful poster for 12+ years (newer sections notwithstanding obv), I wondered what the take was. It does make me chuckle that no matter where I go I am begged

She’s being happily carried around on her dad’s shoulder’s regardless of how she got up there. But of course, she still had to make it about how sad and deprived her childhood was, when apparently thousands of kids in these horrific detention centers may never see their parents again. So, she still a self-centered

I love, love, love kellerbier, had not heard of it until we moved to Framingham. Jack’s Abby is one of three good things about this town, the other two being Springdale brewery next door, and Exhibit A brewery a mile or so away. Assuming you hit them all if you were in town to go to Jack’s Abby?

I had no idea Rick Perry was capable of putting together such a coherent sentence.

I began leasing a Nissan Rogue SV AWD last November. I absolutely love it. It is such a mom car, but super comfortable for road trips with my tall husband and growing son. Very roomy inside, good gas mileage, nice safety features.

We had an old beat up car when we lived in Williamsburg/Greenpoint, we were a hike from the trains, parking was pretty easy. Lots of trips to Fairway and carting the baby around, day trips to the Rockaways, LI, etc. I loved having a car.

I can’t wait until that fucker is dead.

My husband and I gave ourselves an ultimatum that since we decided MA isn’t for us, we need to move next summer. For a hot minute we toyed with the idea of going to N.C., where I am from, as we are getting older and buying a house there is dirt cheap. Then we said fuck that. I fled N.C. in 1996 for a reason and even

Testerical. A new one for me, very good.

There’s a lot of money to be made in peddling hate.

There’s something to be said about Twitter being the only social media platform O.J. felt comfortable joining...”

I am not so sure it is “get nothing done” when a Dem wins as much as the Republican goal to “burn it all down so people blame dems and come running back to us.” They stated and executed that approach under Obama, yet people can’t see it. That republican disdain for us needs to be shouted from the hills and they need

Volturno in Framingham and Worcester, as well as Jack’s Abby pizza in Framingham (where I live) are the only places I have enjoyed pizza in MA. Volturno is especially good.

Wow. Even when I lived in NYC I worked with a handful of his supporters. They tried to stay quiet about it as they knew everyone hated them for it,  but they were there.