
I hope this doesn’t sound petty, but the statistics will back me up: Ladies, do not fuck Republicans. It is literally averse to your health and safety.

I’d call it Voluntary Selection. These idiots are choosing to do this.

Natural Selection.

You know how white folks have trailer park trash?

Sorry ass coons, trying to grift while they still can. Newsmax might be paying them now, but when Trump is out and the viewership tunes out whenever they show up, I reckon their asses will be unemployed past the six month mark, if they can even continue that long. Most of Newsmax’s base doesn’t give a damn if they are

Cubic Zirconia and Rag.

I applaud them for not jerking their necks and heads like chickens eating scratch like they usually do.
I wish they’d stop wearing those wigs. One looks like a rooster in a boy band from the late 90s or the other looks like a helmet made from a cornsilk cabbage patch kid ponytail.

this movie was cute as hell but yeah i’m with the abby and riley shippers

I feel like making Riley so immediately awesome was a misstep, because hardly anyone watching wasn’t rooting for Abby to ditch Harper for her.

People I wanted to Abby to get with before I’d wish Harper upon her:

Biden needs to prepare for it and toughen up.  

This should be turned into an ad blitz in Georgia. Show the appropriate images of Covid ICU wards, body bags, food lines and shuttered businesses superimposed with Loeffler, Purdue and McConnell. Then pin their fucking asses to it. “Do you agree with Donald Trump denying 500 billion in stimulus to the people who need

I think they can also sue him for complete negligence of endangering their health. At this point, i just hope folks get innovative with their lawsuits and also start going after his family. Sure, he won’t care about them, but the point is to make sure that none of them ever get near the white house again, even for tour

So when fat ass finally leaves I want this country to send him and his kids a fucking bill for all the Secret Service men that were used guarding them and his bloated ass every fucking weekend he went to the golf course. I want them to bill him for his stupid fucking MAGA rallies. I want them to bill him for that

Yep. They’ve laid tripmines all across the Federal breaucracy, and have an “outraged” narrative ready to roll for each time one gets set off.

Yeah, I wouldn’t call this petty. Petty is sawing an inch off one leg of all the desk chairs or hiding all the post-it notes. This is an intentional attempt to sabotage the economy and let Trump scream about how the recovery would be so much better if Biden hadn’t stolen the election from him. They are willing to harm