
I am 100000000000000000000000% freaking out. Too much work put into the last two years to not get some real yield. I mean, how can this bullshit not be massively repudiated. I worry more that people either love it or do not care.

This so many times. My 7 year-old son is sitting here beside me, he shoved my ballot into the feeder today. He is way into Kornacki. Start them young.

One of their idiot friends on Twitter is now saying O’Keefe is releasing damning video tonight about Beto.

I think it’s hot, love the blouse. Not a fro, obv.

Right. Just focus on herself, or whatever TF makes her feel happy and safe.

Peace and love, people. Take it where you can in this world.


I was glued to Siskel and Ebert every Saturday evening as a kid, and the show where they featured Halloween scarred me for years. I was convinced someone was on the roof outside my bedroom window so I would cover myself completely with blankets, make myself as flat as possible, and breathe out of a tiny hole in the

I still look in the toilet before sitting every single time, as years ago there was a dead mouse in one in a mountain house I lived in for a short while.

I was watching the Bestival yesterday, on BBCA, I believe, and she did a great live version of Buffalo Stance. Then I learned she has new music out and immediately checked it out, it’s great. I wore out Homebrew while in college then kind of lost her, diving into everything I missed over the years is a real treat.

Hello it’s my birthday month, perfect Libra birthday gift.

Yeah, it would expose him as a hypocrite, running totally contrary to how he’s taken down Cruz for doing that very thing.

That has been on endless loop in my head lately. And “Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd... smiling...”

And Roger Waters.

 By the sound of this woman they found, Dr Ford will crush her, too.

App State grad here. I approve of this article.

I have friends in NC, she a Tar Heel liberal and he a Dookie republican. They lasted way longer than I thought they would.

A party that suppresses votes as much as they can possibly get away with.

I love that she was pushing 40 when she did Hey Mickey. Just a badass.

I’m in Maine this week. Collins is plastering the airwaves pretty much preemptively justifying her vote to confirm Kavanaugh. There are counter-ads calling her out on her bullshit.