
I personally found the book to be amateur in its tone. Entertaining, definitely, but barely uncovering the depths of the show.

Huh? No, it definitely shows Jane recognizing him, seeing his face finally in all her memories.

Absolutely not.

Probably not. I doubt he's thought of her once since that night.

"Alexander Skarsgård, who is banking his career on the fact that any of us will ever be able to look at him in a benevolent light again"

Well the show was never about the murder so I'm not sure if it matters if you predicted it or not. Life is pretty predictable sometimes, yet no one sees it coming.

Well the people who are only watching for the murder plot have already missed the entire point of the show long ago. Fuck them.

It's not really a spoiler if it's not going to be part of the show at all?

Being a better husband =/= someone you might be attracted to.

What are they going to do to make Amabella talk? If she doesn't want to say she won't say. Her dad has already tried to gently coax it out of her, her mother tries to rip it out of her. If a kid doesn't want to talk they won't talk.

That part was changed in the show. There is a lot of stuff in the book about Perry's family but none of that is in the show.

Oh, I don't really care if the episode "goes somewhere". I'm not watching for that and actively despise when people bitch about "nothing happening" or not learning about the murder.

What de hell? Maybe Bonnie just realizes, more than anyone else, that Abigai is a dumb fucking teenager and just lets her do her dumb shit until she realizes how dumb it is.

This was the weakest episode of the six so far. The shit with Abigail is just beyond dumb. But it looks like next week everything comes to a head and it sure as fuck better be longer than 50 minutes.

We can hope, but probably not too much. Like the original AV Club review of this, (written by a MAN, of course), gave it a C+. You can't count on men for anything.

None of the critics got the final episode to review so he has no idea how it concludes. Most likely he's just another one of the many MALE critics who dismissed the show.

Isn't a character? This is is perhaps the only time, EVER, on television, I've seen an abusive couple on therapy where the abuser lays bare his feelings, no matter how true of fake or manipulative they are. Why do I get the sense you're a male? Tt seems men are the ones who have the most problems with this part of the

Are you serious? Have you ever interacted with children? Especially one with an overbearing parent(s)?

That is the meat of the story you idiot. I'm guessing you're another man who wants a whodunnit murder story but guess what, that's not what you get.

The musical at school? There is no musical at a school. Christ you can barely pay attention.