
What do you think would have been more complicated and thought provoking if you know better than the writer? Why does there always have to be some big gigantic twist?? Why can't it ever just be the person everyone guessed it would be? What matters here is the journey not some "ZOMG DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING" ending.

They did a perfectly fine job. If you saw Jane's face and the complete terror in her body and you didn't see it 100% clearly that's not the show's fault.

To me there are a lot of things that are heavily implied in the series without explicitly being spelled out. There's a reason it relies so heavily on body language, glances between characters, and sound effects.

Well it's supposed to be confusing. All she has are vague memories and visions of a guy who kind of looks like someone. You're not supposed to know until the very end when she recognizes him and it all snaps into place.

Yeah, I'm really confused by that comment. They all jumped on him when he was trying to get at Celeste, and he was trying to knock all of them away.

Eh, having "Saxon Banks" being just a random fake name Perry uses when he cheats makes way more sense than the whole convoluted backstory of it being his cousin who was naughty or something.

Ahh yes, forgot that lady at the beginning. A lot of randomness can be explained with "they're rich shrug"

The "twist" and "final reveal" was never the point of the show though.

I'm aware. I'm talking about portrayals by actors in television and movies though.

Yes, in the book Jane purposely moves there because she knows the guy lives in the town and she wants to find him.

The book is set in Australia so maybe it makes more sense there? Like, maybe Australians just really idolize Elvis and Audrey together? No? Maybe not?

Yeah, but she also said she was drunk. It's not hard to believe someone would have trouble remembering the face of a dude they spent one night with while drunk seven years ago.

"Fair point"

No, not a good idea.

No way. Reese was entertaining but she was basically playing herself.

Zoe did, but Adam Scott definitely did not.

I think it's more that he's just socially awkward and kind of weird, which makes it easier to understand why Madeline seems to have so much trouble connecting with him.

It was obviously just the detective watching them cause she knows they're all lying.

Having her randomly be like "I was abused too!" would've been too much.

It's a show invention. But I also wonder if it's all just in our heads? I've read enough comments from people who seem to have seen nothing creepy at all about Ed to think that maybe it's just about different viewer experiences……