
I don't understand why people keep complaining about this. They only pop in a few times each episode and only take like 10 seconds total. It's pretty obvious they're just to show how different perceptions are from the inside and the outside.

How exactly is it overwrought garbage? Every single female character is one that exists in real life. They co-exist in real life. They belong on the same show.

The "plight of men" is basically 99% of all television shows ever created. Like….are you brain dead?

They both seemed pretty satisfied after that kitchen scene.

Her face wasn't bloody? Also I assumed that was during their fight, not the sex they had after….

Because it's a miniseries. There needs to be an endpoint. The murder doesn't matter one bit, but it signifies the end of the series.

There is no "guest star" Emmy category for a miniseries, only lead/supporting.

To be fair, "my mom annoys me" is the basis of almost everything teenagers do. The twins are so perceptive even they understand teens are awful.

Well they only did it because Celeste told her she just did on the kitchen counter and Madeline was feeling left out.

No, not really. But that's mostly just from my own experiences from people I know/have heard about it. That abuse usually doesn't start until after the children come along.

How did that ring false though when it literally showed them totally failing at having sex or even showing any attraction to each other at all?

She's a young single mom dealing with all sorts of shit. Getting involved in some legal tussle probably isn't something that's even crossed her mind (yet).

Ahh ok, maybe I just space out when she's on screen since she's the one character I give zero shits about whatsoever.

I'm so frustrated with other outlets (cough Entertainment Weekly cough) doing dumbass "let's guess who died!" articles because that is very obviously not the point at all.

I feel the same way about guns that Madeline (and Gwen apparently) does. I fucking loathe them and I see no use for them. They serve no purpose except to kill living things. If I know that someone has a gun I try to stay away from them. I don't doubt that what Jane said about them being powerful tools for victims of

Abigail wasn't even in this episode until the montage at the end, wasn't she?

Cause she's a child. She's scared. There's really no "real" reason you need other than that.

I didn't see it like that as all. She's the one who took his pants off. But that's the point, no one person views it the same way. (Yes, spousal rape is completely real, i just think in this instance it's intentionally supposed to be muddied).

That guy was 97% certainly gay and she probably realized it.

Nathan is a shit too (everyone on this show can be unapologetically shitty as all humans are sometimes), but at least I GET IT. I totally get how two woman like Madeline and Bonnie would be into him. But Ed….?????