
I agree she's totally unhinged. But I don't think that makes her vapid and shallow, terms that are almost exclusively used to describe women.

"it's because Renata is mostly just awful, vapid and shallow."

He was much less creepy this episode. No weird side looks or gross comments about sweat. But overall he just makes me feel so….BLAH. Madeline is a shit for cheating on him…………………………but I can see why…………………

Nicole is obviously a shoe in, but I worry people might be like "oh, all he did was play an abusive asshole" about Skarsgard. I feel like I've seen people say that about similar roles other actors have done in the past. Like they don't realize how hard is it so act like that on a dime, pretend you're beating the shit

FYI dude, plenty of states/cities out outside of California have laws on the books about plastic bags.

Everyone else will have very insightful comments about the heavy stuff this episode, but I feel the need to say that I think Ed is terrible. Like obviously no, he's not an abusive awful asshole, but talking about how he stunk up the bathroom and walking around with a Cuisinart towel……no thank you. I know those are the


This is a bad take but at least not the worst. You were saved by "Jane should stop marinating in her rape" guy.

Yeah, she smiles, cause it's a joke…..

The very first episode they mentioned the whole thing about how Bonnie signed a petition opposing it. So everything was in motion before the show started.

"unless it was to take a dig at Madeline"

"I think that Skarsgard played the rapist in the flashbacks."

No, the book takes place in a rich suburb in Australia…

Solo sessions are fairly common with couples therapy. They've gone to therapy before and probably know how it works.

I would think it's less "that town" and more…."Renata"

Does it feel contrived? This is exactly the kind of shit that gets blown up into grand drama in small towns.

Huh? Isn't that praising her, saying she gives him power that his boys thinks is cool?

The show hates men? Jane is marinating in her rape? Mommy wars are tedious? Danced like a slut?

And most of the ones that use the word "trashy" or "soap opera" are from male critics. SHOCKING!