
He has the charming asshole thing down pat. There's always True Blood. Diary of a Teenage Girl and Generation Kill are phenomenal as well.

That part is never really clear. At one point Ed asks him "how's landscaping?" so it seems more like he has a business like that instead of being mega-rich like the others.

We already know that Perry is psycho, but Ed creeps me out more with his weird veiled comments and glances at women.

Nathan is such a dimwit. He must be good in bed, that's the only reason I can think of for Bonnie to be with him.

Eh? The therapist clearly knows. You can't just tell someone "bitch you better leave him" though. That's not how it works.

Well the entire point of the yappy neighbor interviews is to show that they don't actually know anything about these people.

"Alexander Skarsgard looks like a vampire even when he isn't playing one."

They even mention in the first episode how people thought it was scandalous that he's so much younger than her and how they still engage in so much PDA.

It's community theater, not a show at the school.

Jesus, you're both being fucking morons.

That's pretty dumb. Nicole Kidman is fucking beautiful. No, she doesn't look the same as she did in To Die For or Practical Magic, but they definitely aged the character up and made it a point for Perry to be 10 years younger than her.

He probably sold an app or some shit for millions. Don't they all at some point?

Therapists are only required to report it to the authorities if children are involved in violence, or if there are explicit death threats. In most cases, with adults, it's suggested to not get the authorities involved, because most of the time nothing comes of it and then the abuser knows someone is on to them and

Maybe she can tell how suffocating Madeline is and would rather have her kid try to make outside friends as well?

She said she moved from Santa Cruz.

It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure most of the characters on In Treatment weren't fabulously wealthy.

Exactly. Very few abusers are mustache-twirling villains who are deliberately plotting out their next moves and concocting their brilliant lies and manipulations. They wholeheartedly believe that their justifications are true, as full of bullshit as they are.

You watched this episode and THAT'S what you decided to comment on?

"but going to shrinks is something mostly only the well-to-do can afford."