And when e-cig assholes go "This is VAPOR not SMOKE" I just want to punch them in the face.
And when e-cig assholes go "This is VAPOR not SMOKE" I just want to punch them in the face.
I don't know. kenny G's album came out in the early days of social media. In any case, it got lousy reviews and was considered cheap sentiment. The Zeppelin thing? There was no internet at all back then, and in any case their whole schtick was that they were "bad boys." (and frankly, again while it happened in New…
Beyonce is a narcissist. You are wasting your time asking for an apology, and wasting it if you are defending her. You don't exist in her world.
My question is — is this movie doing anything new? At this point, "white Wall Street conmen experience meteoric rise and disgraceful plummet, as accompanied by prostitutes and drugs; cause us to question our own social values" isn't new ground to tread. In a year where we had some pretty cool and unusual things…
I was so embarrassed after I recorded the song because I'm just talking shit. And I'm like, "I can't play this for my husband." I still haven't played it for my mom. She's going to be very mad at me.
Every time I see a headline like this one that amounts to "Woman Unabashed About Self," I have to respond with "And?"
Disclaimer: I work for the Army, where we require all personnel, including pregnant women, to receive an annual flu shot.
I don't think anyone intended to make a deep and knowing drama about love when they made this movie. I am sorry it made you so ragey.
Any time I've seen anyone point this out, they get shouted down for derailing. It makes no sense to me. I grew up in a pretty Latino area and I personally find the lack of Latino portrayals in media lacking (like how they spray-tanned pasty Brit Ben Barnes to play one in that movie The Big Wedding, instead of just…
And yet Jezebel just heaps the vitriol on Taylor Swift for being "fake". Whatever. Back to worshipping at the Jezebel-approved Jennifer Lawrence/Beyonce altar.
I really can't wait for this dumb trend of worshipping Beyonce to die down. It was barely funny to begin with, now its just boring and old.
Stop infantilizing these Native American adults who agreed to work with her.
Franks was reselling goods to a market that didn't have access to the craftspeople and thus were willing to pay a premium. And the craftspeople didn't have access or the ability to move the goods themselves to those people across the country.
He can't. Skarsgard is ten times better than him....and prettier.
Vampire Bill looks like he's holding in a fart in everything he's in!
I feel like the same thing happened on Alias...
In their defense (I can't believe I'm saying this) — I live in Vienna, and yes, Austrians actually DO wear traditional clothing ALL THE TIME. You see random 50yo guys in leather shorts on the uBahn and women in dirndls in bars. It's so wonderfully random. And "traditional dress" is actually formal and is part of the…
After this performance, I'm not sure Moyer can act, either.