Considering people generally date people of their own attractiveness level, yes, the OP probably has a hot body.
Considering people generally date people of their own attractiveness level, yes, the OP probably has a hot body.
There is a serious problem? Please post a news article pointing out this apparent epidemic.
Bus loads of people were dropped off to leer at your girlfriend on the beach? Bull. Fucking. Shit.
I wonder what the numbers are like in indie movies though, since this study only accounts for the top 250 grossing movies of the year. One of my favorite actors (male) has been in 5 indies in the last couple years, and every single one of those was either written or directed by a female.
Gosh, I wish black dudes would stop hitting on me. Their culture is just so fucked up, they're uneducated and just don't understand how to treat women.
Or it could be that Sweden has a long history of making laws that protect women and give them a better standard of living than those other countries with lots of aggressive and nasty dudes?
Except he's not an asshole. all? In any sense? Besides the fact that he's attractive and married to a supermodel. Which..doesn't make him an asshole?
The majority of Asians in the US workforce are not in "engineering sectors and such."
I'm pretty sure the majority of Asians in the US workforce aren't native Chinese so your comment is pointless.
Airlines making seats bigger = less seats = more planes or less flights = EVERYONE has to pay hundreds of more dollars.
The amount of morbidly obsese people flying these days probably far outnumbers the amount of freakishly tall people who can't contain their arms.
They're taking this whole "the Olsens dress like homeless grandmas" thing to heart, I see.
Really? But like....nothing happened in that movie. Nothing. Lots of nothing, then BAM! Alien octopus. But mostly nothing?
The thirst that lonely women have for this guy is embarrassing.
But at the same time I don't reply to fat men who message me. So maybe I'm just self-hating or something. Or shallow. Probably both.
Can I just say how mothereffing annoying Kate Bosworth is? I barely even follow the internet fashiony side, and I've seen a bajillion and one articles about her wedding that no one cares about.
You would. No wondering needed.
Considering 95% of Americans have access to the internet....
I don't think I've ever even been to pinterest. I