
They should come up with a Whole Foods’ discount program for the Amazon Device Cult people.

They should come up with a Whole Foods’ discount program for the Amazon Device Cult people.

Twice as much, but it’s fresh off the vine there.

Twice as much, but it’s fresh off the vine there.

1 + 1 = 2 (in it’s most basic definition) regardless if you’re a mathematician or a poet.

There’s so many holes in this “article” you’d think it’s been sprayed by bullets.
It is full of combinations like “sure/maybe” and “but”.

I am on a ketogenic diet (under a doctor’s care and recommendation) and frequently mix cream and butter into my “breakfast” coffee. I use store-bought beans and hand grind them myself. I don’t care for coconut, so I avoid MCT. This is my only breakfast 2-3 days a week and satisfies me.

That settles it. I’m not buying this crap.

“Put that your coffee”

Put that your coffee...

Sharing isn’t bad, Lack of trust is.
Look for the why.
It could be for convenience. It could be for safety. And of course, it could be for lack of trust.

I trust my girlfriend and she trusts me. We both share our locations with each other to save on the texts “What time do you think you will be home?” or “Are you still at work?”

Dell sales must have dropped off in the past week.

Give us some Latitude.

That’s it, folks. Pack it up! Thread over.

He’s an Inspiron to us all

- This looks way too expensive (especially at a large scale).
- Doesn’t this increase the vulnerability of the roads (specifically to water?) which improves soil movement and possibly sinkholes?

I’ve been using compression products for quite some time. I’ve never noticed anything like a “performance” gain. However, I’ve had pretty profound stability gains (weak knee) and rehab gains (bicep strains healing faster).

Now playing

Fuck Jeremy Christian and fuck your disingenuous question.

He is a terrorist by his intent to use violence to influence a great number of Muslims, not just the ones he confronted.

I’m an engineer (not a civil engineer) and not an architect, but I really don’t understand how this demolition could have ended any other way. Those houses were so close together (and who knows how they were connected), I just don’t see how one act (demo of the first) could have avoided affecting the other.