
Which is why it is the proper place to say, “Reconsider.”

Which is why it is the proper place to say, “Reconsider.”

I meant no disrespect to you or your job.

I meant no disrespect to you or your job.

Look at the list.

Look at the list.

Seriously. I’m not sure the last time I’ve seen margarine pitched as a healthy alternative. I thought we had moved past that.

I thought I had heard the same. While saturated fats (like in real butter) aren’t necessarily great, I’ll take that over processed hydrogenated/trans fats whenever I can.  

“As delicious as butter is ... it’s not the healthiest thing to smear on toast or corn on the cob. Oil-based spreads like margarine are often considered a better heart-smart alternative”

It’s not really that much different than putting cream in coffee.

Yup. My girlfriend puts a tablespoon in every once in a while. Apparently it tastes great. Just think of it like adding heavy cream.

Yes, age discrimination should be legal.

How do I opt in? :) I’ve never received any.

Love that all these helpful links have your affiliate tag attached. GMG overlords must be putting these squeeze on.

Chow chows can be very dangerous dogs when they bite. Maybe the owners need to reexamine their training strategy. My mom tried some kind of new stuff with her older dog and he’s one of the best she’s ever had. It also seems to be working with her puppy(who is a bit more nippy due to being a terrier cross).

The owners of the chow puppy that is already biting need to get to a behaviorist (not a trainer) ASAP. Those can be very dangerous dogs when they're biting people as puppies and now is the time to address it.

fwiw I’ve had shirataki noodles before and these did not taste anything like those. much worse.

Have you ever had to use Comcast for cable or internet? That’s why people despise them.

USB-C is USB, so your point is invalid.

Trans-phobic and Fat-phobic in one plan. Gross.

I mean, if you don’t break any laws that would warrant the police getting a subpoena to find out information about you I would say you’re probably fine.

How to not have your DNA used against you in a criminal investigation:

Do you also get upset when you buy cars and they won’t give you the high end model for base model price, too?