There is absolutely no resemblance whatsoever? WTF are you looking at?
There is absolutely no resemblance whatsoever? WTF are you looking at?
All the haters can f*ck off. This is a gorgeous car. It may have a lot of “borrowed” styling cues, but I think it does a fantastic job of putting them all together.
You mean the one with Tiff? It’s called Fifth Gear. (Flame-suit on, lol)
Wait, I’m confused. There are writers associated with the “Transformers” series?
Plot Twist: Ford hired him.
I mean, he was right though. And it was really bad ass for him to call them out. of the only station wagons on Earth that is billed as the Ultimate Driving Machine.
As usual Oliver kills it. My favorite half hour of TV every week.
Hey Nissan and take note, this is what you need to do to the Z. Or have the balls to bring back the 240SX. But, as with some Japanese auto manufacturers, they rather design cars for blind soccer moms, or hipster fucks that you want to bash their face in 80 centillion times with an Easton aluminum baseball bat.