They do, all the time.
They do, all the time.
I wish my car would drive itself in traffic.
—a vast number of car enthusiasts.
“reports found Governor Andrew Cuomo curiously gave dwindling MTA funds to bail out upstate ski resorts.”
l’d like to hear more about the meatloaf before making my final decision.
None of your fun cars would ever have to worry about being street legal again, nor would you have to worry about trailering your cars just to get some track time in.
Where do you buy this “willpower”? I haven’t seen it on the shelves anywhere. Is the drug even legal? Do you mix it with the water or do you take it separately?
With turbos (which are the future, it seems), the dynamics of the turbine make runner length tuning kinda pointless. On NA cars, you’ve got a point, but one sneaky way to do it is by playing with diameters as well, which may be possible in these sorts of castings.
Minimal commute = do not care.
This is sound advice, well presented, and comes off as unbiased and professional.
Oh, great, another shitty “lifestyle” magazine. Have a few friends that work at Automobile, going to roast them for this.
If you think there’s a market, start a car magazine that caters to women. It isn’t like print magazines aren’t a dying industry or anything.
I’m so glad that, much like the recent Root cross-posting, we get to enjoy an extra-large heap of Jezebel in our Jalopnik posts.
Our company is intimately involved in research into LSPI (sometimes called mega knock, super knock).
The terrorists have won.
They use young-ish white guys because they’re generic and inoffensive, just disappear into the background. The car is the focus of car pictures, not the driver. I never even notice the driver, unless it’s not a generic white guy, not in a bad way like “why is a woman driving?” but more like “oh yeah, and someone’s…
That is a Million Mile engine surrounded by a 50,000 mile truck.
It feels like the equivalent of your rental property burning down. You weren’t really evicted, per se, but you also don’t have the option to live there anymore. For the tenant (worker) it doesn’t make a huge difference, but for the landlord (GM), it isn’t like they had a choice to allow you to continue to live there.