If you are a grown man calling yourself a boy, then you have nothing to be proud of.
If you are a grown man calling yourself a boy, then you have nothing to be proud of.
Don’t worry. McCarthy is the master of saying the quiet parts out loud at exactly the wrong moment. Remember when he went on Hannity and bragged that the Bengazi investigation was all made up to hurt Hillary? Or when he blurted out that Trump works for Putin?
Yes. I agree with you. I thought I was making that clear in my post. I guess I didn’t.
The fix is in to overreact and freak out about every single thing she does and says. They are concentration camps. The end. This needs to be shouted from the rooftops.
Michelle Obama made Harry Styles the Winston.
He’s a full on dead eyed sociopath. There is nothing behind those eyes other than malice.
Yep. You know what will take care of his bigotry? The flu.
If we had any actual power over him, he wouldn’t leave the house looking like he does.
So what needs to happen now are crowds of people who show up and cough at one of his hillbilly Nuremberg rallies or any other time he is “speaking.” Like, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir of coughing.
My mother disagrees.
I was provoked. She should have sat further back since she knew it was allergy season.
I noticed you created this account just a few minutes ago to post this very true story that definitely happened to you. Pro tip: the random capitalization is what gives you guys away every time.
That is a troll who created that account a few minutes ago to post some trash.
If he showed up at the Splinter offices today I would imagine her attitude might be a little different.
There’s an update. Pelosi did that thing where she waits until he’s about to have his big moment, says something bad about him, then he loses his shit and throws a tantrum ruining the whole thing. She said she wants to see him in prison and the public meltdown was epic. While the veterans there to hear him speak just…
Looks like orange is the new double knit.