
That photo is for the children of ex wives. Barron can be included in about 2 years. He knows the drill.

That’s so Rodrigo Borgia.

The hand genes skip a generation, I see.

I do freelance work for a place that has one of her licenses, and so know somebody who has met her a bunch.  Siwa, I mean.  I’m told the surprising thing about her is her height.  According to everyone who has met her, she’s close to 6 ft tall.  And when she sees you, she comes running up ALL EXCITED TO GIVE YOU BIG

If the name of an establishment looks like whoever wrote it is having a stroke, then I would recommend avoiding it, as a general rule.

I used to bust this person out years ago on the old Gawker.  They’ve been here so long at this point it’s just so sad.  Even this kind of trolling is out of date.  Trolling for the sake of it is pretty passe at this point.  

Plus, it’s KOA.  The vast majority of people who frequent those parks and go kamping there are people just like that racist woman with the gun. What she did was practically kompany policy. 

Wouldn’t you walk like this? I think you would.

Criticize not the Diminutive Yogurt Critic or like me, you will forever be banished to The Greys. 

That’s why cons work. Those who have been conned would rather crawl through broken glass that they have ever been taken advantage of. These people will never admit that they’ve been grifted, because that would mean admitting to everybody, and especially to themselves that they aren’t all geniuses in the know. And

And I’m very sorry to hear about your dad.

I know what people look and sound like when they are trying to find their words, and this is it.  Trump’s particular issue is complicated by his venal and lying nature.  I guarantee you the things the staff sees from him in the evening are of the “holy shit” nature. 

Accusations of stealing jewelry and burying money in coffee cans?  I’m familiar with both of those exact things.

That I can’t speak to.  But notes like that?  It usually means what I said.  But honestly, who the fuck knows with this moron.

Anybody who has had an elderly relative with dementia pass away has likely found notes like these in their residence after they were gone. My grandmother had grievance notes like this all over her house, and I’ve spoken with many other people who have reported the same kinds of notes with their loved ones also.

I’ve never heard Off Topic #2.

Because then he may only the third or fourth richest person in the world and how can you expect anyone to live under conditions like that?  

I have no idea. But that’s how it is for some reason. I was an approved Gawker commenter for years. One of the old school. And after the court case was lost, and they went to this new system, I was never able to come out of the greys. Now, however, they can’t wait to ungrey every bad faith troll and lunatic that comes

Given the orange carbuncle who currently occupies the Oval Office, and his coterie of sociopaths as well, I’m honestly surprised that any media outlet anywhere is even going to bother digging up anything at all on any political candidate anywhere for any office ever again.

And with this swift and decisive action, Alabama has now achieved moral perfection.