
If I ever found myself on The View, this movie is all I would want to talk about.

Meghan reminds me of something my country grandmother used to say when she thought any kid was going to start crying to get attention: “Don’t start that tuning up!”

Dany gets up from the throne to go to the bathroom, and her dog takes her seat. By the time she returns, the small folk have thrown their support behind Mr. Droggy and even she has to admit it’s all for best, and she returns to Essos to catch up on some crucifixions.

These guys just keep demonstrating right in front of the whole world that they themselves really don’t believe one word of what they preach.  It’s never been so easy to explain my atheism and have even the most religious person at least understand where I’m coming from. 

All they need to do is throw a shit fit and claim that liberals are being discriminated against.  

This right here. I will never understand it. You stick your hand in my wallet, then we go to battle. 

Get rid of all of them as far as I’m concerned. They aren’t debates. Just televised forums for the candidates to trade zingers and insults, and debase themselves even further than they already have. 

So she puts Chick fil A on equal footing with Christ.

Rand Paul, an actual medical doctor should immediately lose his medical license. 

It was starting shit in another thread over the tornados in Alabama.  It’s definitely troll farm related.

I’ve already gotten an insane spittle flecked reply, also in broken, weirdo syntax. So at least I was able to goad it into bringing me out of the greys before I banished it. And now here I sit with the dismiss button ready at hand. Who’s the troll now, comrade?

That is a brand new account and that is very interesting syntax coming from it.  Almost as if they aren’t quite familiar with how Americans speak to each other...

Which I don’t understand because she carries water for all of the people who routinely say the most appalling things about him. Michelle Malkin went fucking insane at the podium at CPAC just today over McCain. Trump used to mock him on his death bed, and still trashes him every chance he gets. As long as they have

Even though I’ve never seen it, every time I scroll through the channel guide and see their Pirates of the Caribbean parody The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything I crack up. Not enough to watch it though.

My folks had a Boston Terrier who would have rather have humped a cat than eat bacon.  It got ridiculous. To the point where the three cats clearly had a strategy meeting about him, and would stage these coordinated ambush attacks against him until he finally learned to just not do it.  It was fucking insane. 

The real headline for this should be: “Paul LePage is Shit-Faced Again.”

White straight men.  My gay ass has to be on point 24/7 lest I do something untoward and then every gay person on the globe takes the blame for it.   Every single interaction I have with people like this, I have to mentally calculate a response that falls somewhere between Ellen Degeneres and the Stonewall Riots. 

I wish I could find it, but I recently read a good article about the rise of the baby-men. Trump of course enabled it, but Guiliani, Kavenaugh, Meadows, Jordan, Grassley, and so many other grown men I could name, they all have started throwing hissy fit tantrums to get their way. They scream, they go red-faced, they

Things to get before I die:

It also helps that these lunatics also tip off the authorities by announcing their plans on social media.