
I recently had a “christian” cousin, the over the top, moralizing kind, report me to Facebook over a post that was clearly and obviously a joke. And even though I only suspected it was her, I was able to trick her into admitting it in less than a minute. So that’s where we are at. Family members informing on each

He just wanted to be an asshole. I don’t think it gets any more complicated than that.

I wish I had.

It’s an Infowars special.

Because they’re insane. Literally. And they are doing everything they can to gather the insane together. It’s not liberal vs conservative anymore. It’s sane vs insane. Which party believes that Hillary runs a pedophile ring out of a pizza parlor? Which party believe that JFK Jr. faked his own death to expose all

Now playing

I’m older as well, and that was why I instantly recognized who she was wearing. Back in the day, musical artists, fashion designers, and people at the top of the modeling industry enjoyed a much more symbiotic relationship. In 1991 (!) when this song and video came out, the hype was just as much for Mugler and the

Tantrums have become the newest media strategy for these people. Have you been confronted with objective reality that nullifies your argument? Well, just throw a big hissy fit then!  They’ve been doing it because it’s been working.  It seems to be losing power, however slowly, but it does work.  I wonder where they

This is exactly what it is. Have you noticed that it’s always right wingers that flip out over stuff they see in movies? They have no ability to separate what they see on the screen from reality. None. 

And then we can unshun you.

They’d only be too happy to do that.  Enforcing a moral code they themselves have no intention of ever abiding by is what gets them out of bed in the morning.

Dang.  I meant not be signing.  But with Orange Foolius you don’t even have to try to make sense and people still know what you’re talking about. 

Hannity is already screeching about what a bad deal it is, when there is really no way he can know what’s in it.  So Trump will most likely be signing.  Unless the last person he talks to says he should.  Then who the fuck knows? 

Except Nadler laughed in his face and made him answer the question anyway.

I’m with what America would consider to be a ‘hunk’


Mueller filed sealed documents that were placed in The Vault this morning. I doubt he knows specifically what was in them, but probably knows which one of these Mueller picked.

Anything, huh? Well, I need a lot of limbs picked up out of my yard after the last strong winds we had. He does that for me and I’ll see what I can do.

I worked for a med school for a bit, and the students didn’t have a yearbook. They didn’t have time, because all they ever did was study. And they didn’t particularly like each other very much.