Cabbage Patch Mather

At what point do we actually start caring about overpopulation? The planet is already on its knees from draining so much of its resources, were not to far off from water shortages. Anything to stave that off before we reach birth limit laws is a good thing in my view.

No fucking shit! I had my abortions because I didn’t want the babies. Full stop. That is my right.

Thank you for everything you do! I have had three abortions and appreciate the efforts of women like yourself that allow me that freedom. I don’t know what I would have done if I was forced to have those kids. My life would have been ruined.

Honestly? Yes.

Most of the Bernie supporters came around and supported her, so I don’t really like the BernieBro label. But there were people who supported him who were purists and willing to burn everything down. Those people and the Jill Stein supporters can go fuck themselves

I just want to know... where were all these racists back in 08 and 2012 when Barack Obama, a POC won 2 in a row? We can’t deny that racist trump supporters helped get him elected... but it’s amazing to me how no one on here wants to take Hillary to task for her mistakes.

It can be found among other new great works:


Also Jill Stein, Berniebros, Gary Fucking Johnson and Susan Sarandon

The people that can stop this are GOP constituents. Living in a conservative area in a (thankfully) blue state, I’ve done the whole hearts and minds thing by appealing to a community sensibility or to individual values. Some people are more receptive to constructive conversation than we think. Volunteer for local

Keep in mind, that’s Pompeo, Chao, Haley, Mattis and Kelly. None of those are particularly terrifying.

Most of the “Yes” votes were Chao, Haley and Mattis, by far not the worst candidates for the positions.

Pompeo was the most contentious and he’s not even close to the worse candidate yet. The real show starts when we see who votes Yes on Tillerson, Sessions and DeVos.

Take care of yourself and your family/ friends. It sounds bleak, but people who are only concerned with ramming through their own personal agenda don’t give a shit about your protests, your calls, or your outrage. They care about keeping their jobs, and that means toeing the line until it’s convenient not to.

I’m going to say that infrastructure bills 100% need to be considered. That sort of legislation should never be partisan. Shits already falling apart. People don’t need to die from failing bridges and exploding gas mains for political brownie points. Otherwise partisan the day away.

I have to say that I think a lot of people are kind of ignoring the fact that these positions have to be filled for our government to function properly. I mean listen, I get it, I am 100 percent anti Trump. Some of his policies, and many of his cabinet picks, are nothing short of horrifying. But it merits mentioning

i wish

Every year I take the family on a tour of a few National Parks. Every time I mention Yellowstone, my son pipes up “No! Dad, it could EXPLODE!!”. I usually give him the side-eye and say, “Yeah, but that could be 10,000 years from now”. He then reminds me that it could just as well be tomorrow or the day we happen to

This is already happening!

So I minored in climate science in college [yes, an Ivy], and I can tell you that Trump is literally going to destroy the world. Like literally. Through ignorance about Global Warming. We are all in actual real danger.