
Call me when it’s wireless 

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They did this in a show where the motion capture system cant sense black employees. The do some pretty corporate stuff to try to fix it.

“Guys, Robots might take our jobs! What should we do? Wait, I know! Let’s give our employers a good reason to replace us with robots!”

We’re not going anywhere.

We’re not going anywhere.

Shep - Any word on the Kinaj deals? Is it staying? Or going away with Gawker? My apologies if it was posted elsewhere and I missed it.

Shep - Any word on the Kinaj deals? Is it staying? Or going away with Gawker? My apologies if it was posted

I own a comic book store. It’s bordering on tedious at this point to explain to people that their beaten-to-death ‘80s and ‘90s Marvel/DC/Image comics are worth somewhere between jack and shit. I know that hologram cover was special, man, so special that they made eight billion of them.

(Whereas those Magic Beta cards

That was.... bloody Brilliant!..Not even sure Watt I just saw!

The original poster on Reddit was attempting to buy a carry-run through the current final raid. Groups for those frequently have a few odd requests, including setting up some sort of custom UI, so that the person paying can follow the group’s lead and perform the necessary mechanics. When a group is carrying 1/4 of