
People who offer other peoples money and resources to fix a problem are bad people. Go give all your money to help the homeless. Then you can go get your soapbox.

Well I bet they start moving resources out of cali.

Does epic have a return policy? That is my only thing now days. I have been duped too many times.

Imagine never owning a video game again. Never having a copy to play offline. Having to pay a subscription to play old games. I don’t like these ideas.

There is no ranking system that I know of. I keep getting in matches with people I have no business playing against. These open systems make it seem like TONS of people might be cheating, but i doubt it. A lot of players are just too good at shooters. I am constantly being 3 shot at distance with wingmen, or pummeled

It sickens me that the most ignored part of recycling is Reduce. We need to REDUCE our usage of plastics. Americans are ignorant as to what happens to their garbage. They toss it in the recycling bin and think they are doing a favor. Its just one big fraud, you are all lying to yourselves.

I have gotten bored with the game already. I like mid range engaging 50-150 yards. It is annoying to get 3 shot by a revolver at 75-100 yards when I’m holding an assault rifle. I have boiled it down to the 3/4 shot concept. At most ranges after 50. If you do not land 3 great shots or 4 good shots before the other

He is already in the game. He is part of the Horde war campaign. You fight him in a tank in Tiraguard Sound and that estate. 

Fortnight is tame man. I find kids playing games like The Forest...

At least my grandparents will know not to buy Fortnight...

PED’s in ESports. 2019 baby!

holding jobs hostage in order to torpedo a progressive tax in Seattle that would have funded homeless services.”

The homeless problem is not about money. We have thrown millions and millions of dollars at homeless services and it just gets worse. Seattle has spent something like $90 million dollars on homeless

People get fired from jobs all the time. Why is it any different in competitive gaming?

I am not a fan so far. Discord is a good chat app but i wish ti would stay that way.

Wow science! Giving teens a highly addictive drug at a young age can lead to problems? WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT! 

I went to log on to Just Survive today. I can’t believe its closed...It was doomed from the split i guess. It was such a fun game to sink some time into with friends. I am sad to see it go. The company wants to devote resources elsewhere i guess.

I bought Destiny 2 when it popped. I got bored in 2 weeks. Then! Magically, with another 20$ i could experience an expansion! Game development has turned into a big money business. The companies are now run by asset management funds and investors. Expect the products to continue with their lackluster money grab system.

This is dumb.

Cell Phone vs VR is not a great comparison. Companies subsidized cell phone costs as part of their contracted plans for years. Outright, the tech growth would have been a lot lower without the help of the phone companies. I don’t see how you could apply this to VR headsets and their supporting hardware. VR doesn’t