H.G. Wellington

I think the question of why does Vera leave Elliot alive is legitimate, and I think the show wants us to ask that question. I don't have a definitive answer but I think it's telling that in Elliot's interactions with Vera, that Vera keeps emphasizing the connection he feels with Elliot. Shayla is nothing but a tool

I think the show has to show us the body. Everything in this show is so deliberate that if it never shows us the body, it forces the audience to ask why? Is she really dead? What or who else is in the trunk? A more straightforward show could get away with the more artful shot of holding the camera on Elliot, and the

You're right, except that I disagree that it worked in Watchman. In the graphic novel, the story is grounded in a gritty psychological realism, and I would have preferred if the film had a gritty, realistic aesthetic to reflect that. Instead, in the name of fidelity to the source, we got these hyper-stylistic visuals.

Is the whitewashing really the reason you avoided Aloha? And not the nearly universal negative reviews from critics and audiences alike?

To be fair, Snyder doesn't seem particularly interested in actors acting. He seems far more interested in how they photograph. I'm doubting the part is meaty enough for it to matter whether or not she can act.

It might be recency bias, but I'm partial to World's End. They're all fantastic, though.

It's a bit of an apple to oranges thing. One is an affable stoner comedy, funny but not technically impressive. The other is a superhero blockbuster with an iconic performance by a talented tragically dead star and technically masterful action set pieces.

I'm sure Conan's production company not Conan himself is named in the suit.

My mistake.

She definitely played Irene Adler in the RDJ films. There are too many Holmeses to keep track of. We have an outrageous Holmeses problem. Our streets are being overrun. We need Mayor Guiliani type to clean up the Holmeses!

I'm not a Michael Bay fan, I find his work obnoxious and juvenile for the most part, but I don't think you can deny that he's an A-List director.

Look man, I didn't insinuate you're a sexist. It takes just a little bit of reading comprehension to figure out, but I'll walk you through it:

I didn't call you a sexist. You have a contrarian opinion and I wanted you to defend it. Obviously ScarJo isn't a bad actresses, but you find something about her objectionable. I was just curious what. You gave me an answer. You find her voice annoying. I'm satisfied with that answer. It was exactly the kind of

ScarJo is a terrible actress? What evidence do you have to support that? It's quite the contrarian opinion. She's beloved by studios, a-list directors, critics, and fans. What is it about her you don't like?

Really, you have RDJ's Holmes over Cumberbatch's? I thought those RDJ movies were bad, and I thought most people agreed. The BBC Sherlock, on the other hand, is mostly beloved.

I'm not a fan of the redesigns. Adding some chub to some cartoon babes is a cute exercise, but I don't think the results look good. I don't need women in the real world to look like cartoon babes to find them attractive. I like a variety of shapes and sizes. I do however hold my cartoon babes to a more unrealistic

I don't have the scene on hand to watch it again and give you a deep deconstruction the scene in question. It's hard to respond to your specific points about blocking without seeing it again. (I watched it at a friend's place) I'll grab it off torrents when I have some time and see if it changes my opinion on a close

I'm not female. I would hope that people feel secure in their own homes. I do. It's unfortunate that's not the case for you.

Who is she yelling at? Well, there are a handful of ways to read the scene. The show is being deliberately ambiguous with regards to Mr. Robot. You're free to read it as literal. Mr. Robot is real.

Well to be fair, I'm not 100 percent on my prediction, but I will be disappointed at this point if the show has a big Mr. Robot isn't real, come to Jesus moment. It won't play as a twist, and I think the writer knows that. I think it's smarter to keep Mr. Robot ambiguous and I think this show is smart. Anyways, of