H.G. Wellington

You say this with such authority yet it's completely nonsense. It was a dramatic beat. Pay attention to how the show underscores its dramatic moments vs its comedic ones. It's not subtle. I hate to just call someone's read on a show flat out wrong. There are always multiple ways to interpret any scene, but to read

This was Caputo's flashback episode so he was the focus of the episode. I'm not sure why you feel the show can't accommodate Caputo's story. The overall focus remains on the inmates and their stories. A one episode digression to flesh out an important supporting character's motivations is objectionable to you? Gimme a

Lol, you call Piper a c*nt and the word you worry people will object to is "creepy"?

I hope not. Waste of dramatic potential if it turns out to be nothing. If Lolly does turn out to be a red herring, than I would hope its in service of having Alex let her gaurd down just long enough to be shanked by somebody else.

I think Spike on Buffy remains the gold standard for villain rehab.

I've found Piper's prison panty scheme to be consistently entertaining. Piper's dramatic arc is basically over, and she's been relegated to comedy relief, but I think that's fine.

I don't think it was ever not a comedy. This season has just been a broader less dramatic comedy. The show is still capable of hitting its dramatic beats and I think it's still good. Being worse than Fargo and Better Call Saul doesn't make it bad.

You don't like it. Ok. Any reason? You sort of worked on it? Like you work at Lifetime? Or you worked on liking it?

I dunno. I thought it was in bounds. I'm not Asian-American in any way, but I think it's a stretch to read the title as demeaning to Chinese people or whatever. It's a reference to how Chang is perceived in the prison community. I think this show has enough progressive bonafides to give the writers some benefit of

My point, if I have one, is that your post complaining about specific comments should be made in response to those comments.

I'm reading the comments sorted with the newest first so maybe I missed something. Were people demanding the show end downthread? Or are you just complaining for no reason?

You're not using much imagination if you think that's the most racist and offensive title possible.

I'll chime in with a vote for every other day. One a day is fine, even if the reviews will be ahead of most viewers watching schedule, but every other day gives you more time to process and write, and a bit more room for the conversation to flourish before people start talking about the next one.

I'd like to point out that shows like Big Brother are cut together and aired while the show is in production, so that didn't hurt the verisimilitude for me. And are we sure that's what's happening on Everlasting? I think it seems more likely that Rachel made a rough cut that the crew was privy too, and not that the

Yeah, that's true. It's shallow, limited advice. She's not around to give him the kind of real solid advice that requires living with a kid. It was a scene that underlined her sad reality. She's not going to be around to be the father/mother her kid might need. He's basically on his own to figure that dating shit out.

I think this show qualifies as a (dark) comedy. It's a blend of comedy and drama for sure, but comedy is all over the shows DNA. The show hits its dramatic beats so effectively, that its easy to forget that the bulk of the scenes have a comedic premise.

Sophia's line: It's not politically correct, but its good dating advice. That's the point right? She desperately wanted to say something to connect with her son. It felt very in character. I'm not sure how that line is "…[reducing] womanhood to harmful sterotypes"

Selina initiated it, I think, and planted the black congresswomen she's friends with on the panel.

UnReal does not desperately need to sell ads. I would argue that exceptional buzz should be good enough to get the show renewed. This is a brand building exercise for Lifetime. Also a show this bingeable should be a pretty valuable streaming property.

Just going to chime in and defend "magic = drugs" because season six of Buffy is my favorite Buffy season. I know that puts me on the minority of Buffy fans, but I don't care. It's a metaphor that makes sense to me and I thought the execution on it was dramatic and powerful. I like that the conflict that season wasn't