Dr. Hfuhruhurr

Except it’s not a news network. It’s entertainment/sermons for white supremacist evangelicals.

Larry Kudlow was fired from Bear-Stearns for a cocaine addiction.  How bad must his coke habit been if an investment bank thought it was TOO MUCH?

As despicable as I think Jeanine Pirro is, under the present circumstances, I’m not going to hold it against her. She’s a commentator, not a news anchor, and like so many of us, she’s forced to work from home. If I was a political commentator on TV, and I had to isolate myself at home, fuck if I’m not going to have a

Something that can help you make peace with this is the realization of how unproductive you are in the office. Think about the trips to the break room, the idle chitchat, the random hall jackings, meme wars in your chat apps and so on. Now add in all of the impromptu desk, Cube, and hallway meetings that take place

Yes, but have we thought about the implications?

It would take the perfect storm of captured screenshots and already compromised login info related to those captured screenshots for anyone to take advantage of this security flaw. You’d also have to be the kind of person who installs shady apps on their phone in the first place and I doubt there is much overlap

proper response

The fact that Authy can sync 2FA codes across devices fundamentally subverts the point of 2FA.

Cool... so they have a screenshot of some random authenticator codes but no username or password or any way to control which codes they screenshot. Forgive me if I’m willing to wait for google to update the app in a few days with a fix.

I don’t understand why misunderstandings of cast iron are so pervasive. It’s like enthusiasts want to believe in some voodoo magic to make them special.

But who could have possibly predicted that the Baby Boomers would eventually get old and planned for it?  Who?  

I on the other hand, am ecstatic to watch them swandive off a cliff. Their annoying customer base, with their loud pipes and general dickheadedness always reflected poorly on the rest of the bike market.

I’m a little annoyed that I just opened a Money Market account with “New” bank and despite giving them access to my “Old” bank savings account directly (so what I believe is effectively a wire transfer, or something similar) I’m waiting a week for the money to show up in the New account.

This read to me like a few things:

What nobody seems to be looking at is how often the tires were replaced, and at $700-1100/set of 4 (sometimes they only replaced 2 at a time).

These are essentially long haul taxis and received high wear and tear vs a personally owned vehicle.

Your avatar is a Camaro.

The first like 200,000 were super low cost,” he said, but things went up dramatically from there.

Don’t forget that Whole Foods was a piece of shit before Amazon, even.