
As someone who walks, bikes, rockclimbs, and runs barefoot, I do not see the use of these at all.

Whatever, Norman Rockwell was a radical at heart.

Once, at a Rainbow Gathering, I was sitting around a fire with a group of kids after a hard day digging latrines. A girl came up, really upset, and told us that Ellen DeGeneres was dead. We were all shocked and super sad. We smoked a bowl in her honor, and kids traded stories about how Ellen had given them the courage

Psh, you kids think Oklahoma has weird liquor laws? try Utah.

Man, I agree and all. But I would be a lot more sympathetic to this guy if he wasn't such a dickbag. Like, he is a gigantic bag of dick, so I can't feel that sorry for him. Let me be clear: this guy is the personification of a big bag of wriggling dismembered cocks, all wrying for position, and so it is hard for me to

Oh man, have I been there.

Watt, as a unit of power, has a built in time period: a watt is one joule per second. However, to make the numbers more understandable, it is common practice to use watt/hours or kW/hrs, meaning the number of watts in one hour (3600). So this facility, assuming it runs 24/7, uses 672 MW/hrs per day. A solar farm on

Hate reading - I'm doing it right now!

I think you watched a different speech than I did. America's manufacturing industry cannot be fixed with tax cuts. Neither can unemployment. Our educational system cannot be fixed by reducing federal funding. American exceptionalism is straight up xenophobia, and this president of all people should understand that

So lets see. Lots of big-government meddling, meaningless goals, tax cuts for favored industries, war mongering, empty platitudes, and stirring nonsense. Nothing on actual tax reform, tackling the debt, regaining competitiveness (tax cuts aren't gonna do it), and not a single defense of his greatest accomplishment,

So if I say they aren't that cute, am I gonna get the banhammer?

Gizmodo, proudly carrying on the traditional race-bait artwork of WWII propaganda posters...

Wait, I cannot figure out your point.

Lordy loo, I hope that's all it is. Perhaps I have been biased by watching the GOP debates, but to me the buildup (both militarily and rhetorically) looks like the inevitable march to war...

Incidentally, the exact line Gingrich used on his first and second wives.

And now you've hit the nail on the head. Iranians are not happy with their government, and their allies are increasingly less supportive and more pushy.

Ah, sure. Small scale intervention. With the current state of US, Israeli, and Iranian politics, do you seriously think this would not escalate into a full scale war/occupation? Perhaps not inevitable, but in my view certainly the most likely scenario. While it would be suicidal economically for Iran to mine the

You have absolutely no idea how supply and demand work, right? 40% of the worlds oil is shipped through the Strait of Hormuz. If that supply is cut off, oil prices will rise everywhere, no matter where we specifically source our oil. God, this is like explaining the ABCs.

Ah yes, the old doctrine of overwhelming force. Remember how well that worked out in Afghanistan and Iraq (not to mention, say, Vietnam?). A small but determined force can wreak havoc on an occupying army, despite a total inability to go head to head. Remember that for all our advantages in the space, we will still