Hazel Frederick's Ghost

I don’t mind them splitting S4 into two halves but when are we going to get the second half of season 3?

No, you didn’t. That was not pizza.

There’s also lots and lots of terrible not good pizza out there.

Thanks for all this, Tom. Hey, AVClub: doing this for other genres might be a good idea (it might also be a huge bust but you should try anyway).

Oh, boy...

Because McDonalds is fucking everywhere and the other ones less so.

Sure, she deserves a break. I’m pretty sure the original cause for the delay was Netflix getting “Luke Cage” and “The Defenders” out first. Which is fine. I’m impatient, though.


Guy Fieri’s Guy’s American Kitchen & Bar is closing? Did it not get enough foot traffic? Was the lease too expensive? Was it supposed to be a loss leader? Did it not grow Guy Fieri’s brand enough?

The one thing I always come away with after reading any of these posts about indie rock is that I can’t get to within a parsec of figuring out what is and isn’t indie rock.

It’s also the film that taught me it’s ok to talk to creepy old loners, in case you need someone to save you later.

West Wing Fans have been waiting for a revival since midway through the fifth season when we realized the show had gone downhill after Sorkin’s departure and was never coming back.

Just watched it on Hulu. Not sure what you were watching. Audience sounded into it to me, not that you can judge anything by the audio feed of a studio audience anyway.

Area Recapper Whines about Successful Show Being Successful.

I’m a big fan of David Fincher movies. This dialogue is far more stilted and unnatural than it is in any of those films.

Three episodes in and the writing and acting are both still terrible (except for the guy playing Ed Kemper). The premise is such a hook that I can’t give it up, though.

Well glad that’s settled.

Every year I said I wanted to see TP live. Never did. See your favorite acts while you still can, kids.

Naw I never was turned into no toad...