Hazel Frederick's Ghost

Oh, and the budget.

The amount of blood and gore, usually.

Look, I’m not going to see this, but IMDB says it’s grossed $120m globally so far. It’s pretty disingenuous to call a movie a flop based on domestic gross alone in 2019, especially a franchise action flick. Maybe it’ll still be a disaster, but not because it only brought in less than $30 million in the US.

Colonialist even.

Cultural critic: “If he goes out while still on top, he’ll cement his legacy and never begin the long slide into diminishing returns that some filmmakers experience as they grow older.”

Entire cast of Clue except Tim Curry: TOO LATE

Bill Laurence needs to let someone else name his shows.

I don’t think most people were shocked by it, if it was in fact the Night King.

Didn’t say it was identical. Just pointing out a similarity. There’s been a decidedly reduced likelihood that your favorite character is about to die and far more telegraphing when they do.

“Weiss and Benioff are master storytellers”

Not sure this holds for stories they write that aren’t based on pre-existing material. They’re okay. 

I’m color blind, have -4 vision that my glasses don’t quite correct and a nine year old HDTV, and yet I didn’t think the dimness and low contrast were at all out of character for the show or at all detrimental to following this episode. It’s a battle. It’s supposed to be hard to follow. ::shrugs::

Game of Thrones has developed the same long term arc as Downton Abbey.

No, really, stay with me for a second.

In the first few season of Downton Abbey, nobody was safe, from the Titanic, from war, from the flu, from car crashes, etc... In the final few seasons, none of the major characters died and everything worked out

“Remember how good the battle of Hardhome was”

No, not really. 

“in ways that allow the final moment to land despite an unavoidable feeling of anti-climax.”

Have to disagree. I somehow avoided it feeling anticlimactic.

The hero moment in the crypt was definitely the most poorly edited and least coherent, and if Sansa and Tyrion were to be the heroes there, they certainly waited a

IMO character porn was the best facet of the so-called Golden Age of Television.

The firing makes total sense. Either Selena had already lost total respect for him and fucked him to get one last bit of use out of him, or she lost respect for him after fucking him. Not at all an unsurprising development for a pair of extreme narcissists.

Yeah, I don’t buy that Selena’s power hunger, or Jonah’s lack of reflection, or Amy’s debasing herself to climb one rung up the ladder even if it is Jonah’s ladder, would have been out of place a few seasons ago. It all feels pretty organic to me.

Prediction (maybe not novel; I’m not on this thread often): Dan joins

Not sure anyone except the Maesters would know this at this point, and has this even been established in the TV universe?


So I guess we’re saying practical effects and special effects are the same thing then? Otherwise this list would be much longer.

I love this movie but it’s got lots of cheesey parts, not to mention plenty of plot holes, nonsensical dialogue and tired tropes. If you think the rat at the end is the silliest part of this film, then I have one question fahr ya: how fucked up are you?