
That makes so much sense! Perhaps…. too much sense?

Heyoooo, wait, because you can cue music but you can ALSO QUEUE MUSIC

If the contents of the parentheses is a question, then inside, if the sentence outside the parentheses is the question and the parenthetical is just in support of that, then outside

He also believes that white people literally invented everything, so.

Also, if you get it wrong, someone will probably sh** all over you for it, but that also makes them a huge jerk because they knew what you fricking meant. You'll probably get sh** all over by someone for getting it right, too.

Commas and periods ending sentences always go inside quotation marks in American usage.

It's okay, he's got a sweet spot at the right elbow of the blue-eyed Lord waiting for him after all.

This is one of the most flawless takedowns I've ever seen. It's almost like you guys do this for a LIVING.

Reactions to free speech are also free speech. My reply was free speech, and your reply to my comment was free speech. Free speech is a thing.

Although I can't stand Tosh, this made me laugh, because I immediately thought about how music from other countries is about a decade behind us in what they think is cool.

[x] too many.

Or, as another hypothetical possibility, you're a troll, and yourself believe that people are easily offended and in need of coddling, and intentionally did it just to provoke exactly that reaction.

Or, you got paid to do it.

Yes. YES. Deep down I really just want most or all of the people on earth to not exist anymore by whatever means, but in the meantime if you're a jerk to others for no reason I will mock you mercilessly. This may be the institution for me.

I feel like we need a reminder that news outlets aren't "people," regardless of where we land on corporate personhood. Basically, news outlets are people who get paid to be as shrill, reactionary, exaggerative and sniping as possible. Of COURSE news media "loved" him and then "hated" him. They have no memory, they

How does the larger theme of people criticizing a specific set of poor jokes about Jews and fat people indicate that audiences are lame and need coddling? If you ask me, all this has shown me is that people have a better sense of humor than they used to. Oswalt is missing the mark.

Are you the arbiter of who has a legitimate gripe and who just can't "take a joke," that you know what people are thinking and you know them better than they know themselves to the point that you know their basic opinions are mistaken?

Disagreeing with a point and denying the skill behind it are two separate things that aren't mutually exclusive. I disagree with the point that he's making, as pertains to the topic he purports to address, and I, separately, think it was pretty hamhanded. But I'm not going around pretending my opinions are objective

I'm starting to get the idea that when we say "People are saying X and Y extreme thing" what we really mean is "media companies that get paid for balls-to-the-wall sensationalizing every single mundane thing are saying X and Y extreme thing," and that's kind of what said media companies are going for: having their

Haha… I've known this for a long time, on account of I feel very strongly about equality and civility but I actually don't like people at all.