
"The same people criticising Noah loved him before the tweets were found." Who are these magical people? Did we poll them or something? Or is it just that you're assuming that there's a group of people you find distasteful that had some exaggerated response to a black man/outsider being hired for their own dubious

"If you're thinking of using Twitter, get a Prince Albert instead." EFFECTIVE.

Man, anyone would become the worst person ever if they were above criticism and repercussions for their actions. Pretty much immediately. I feel like there's defending Noah against any fringe people who are calling for his hide, and then there's defending the jokes themselves, and they're separate things and we need

It's kind of a knee-jerk reaction to separate yourself from a made-up stereotype people who hate you without knowing you have created so they don't have to take anything seriously that they don't agree with. No wonder we can never get anything done. "No, I am not the sort of liberal who literally salivates at the

Constructive moderation on the internet? You mean that thing that a healthy majority of people actually use but everyone immediately forgets amid the screeching fringe rage?

I still don't know what anyone thinks the words "liberal" and "conservative" even mean. What part of that statement do you take issue with? Reading it, it doesn't seem to be any more heartbreaking than any of the other bitter truths about humanity that we all know in our hearts but try not to admit to each other over

Ain't that always how it goes - the response comes down against something and the defenders of that thing have to make it sound like they personally are under unbearable attack, so all nuance is lost.

Everyone IS a jerk and everyone DOES suck!

This only strengthens my original suspicion that no one should use Twitter….

Haha… there we are. You have to defend people who are invested in the same thing you're invested in, even vicariously, even if they're not entirely worth defending.

You've got a real way with words for a cracked-out rodent with a 3-year lifespan.

Hell, even when some people DO have a legitimate gripe, there's always others who happen to fall on the "right" side simply because they get offended by everything. There are always smart, thoughtful people and total idiots on both sides of any argument. That's why we will never need to stop vilifying and demeaning

Sure, and that is a good point, but I don't see how it relates to Noah's current situation. The "welcome to comedy in 2015" seems to me to be letting him in on the idea that audiences are just lame, easily offended and in need of coddling. When the larger issue is just that the jokes in question weren't good, or

All entities protect themselves, and not only that but most will do so past the point where they are either holding back progress or harming others in order to continue their current status quo. People, industries, corporations, governments, really anything with thumbs.

For real. You know someone's line of reasoning is in trouble when they find themselves defending jokes like "lol fat chicks are ugly" and "something something jews something something."

Can we buy the latter some running shoes or something?

LOL… well that's shaky ground no matter what, because I am pretty sure that in the heyday of white people killing black people, they used any mundane or creative means available to them, and if someone can be murdered in a particular way, it probably happened. So Matt was pretty much screwed no matter what.