Quiet, you're spoiling Deadspin's sullen narrative.
Quiet, you're spoiling Deadspin's sullen narrative.
If by "perfect strike" you mean a rainbow from just beyond second base that bounces before the plate and is up the line, then congrats on your accurate shorthand.
1908 was a long time ago, huh?
The Cardinals don't play regular season games against the Astros in 2014, or most years now.
What makes something clickbait is the disingenuousness of it. That the author clearly doesn't even believe the thing he or she is writing, but rather following a formula calculated to produce a response (the click, the angry replies, the viral spread). It's something that Gawker and Deadspin regularly purvey. And…
But what do all those Cardinals fans wear during playoff games? Oh. You wouldn't know.
I love that white folks who are just a liiiiittle bit racist used to love making fun of black kids' names. Now the black kids' names are fairly mainstream sounding, but it's the white people making their kids Paetyn and Caydyn and MaKayLa and so forth and such n' such.
I've been to the airport in Kuala Lumpur. Every store in that airport sells bizarre anti-semitic conspiracy theory shit, like "THE ZIONIST CONSPIRACY BEHIND SEPTEMBER 11" books. I don't trust jack shit coming out of that place.
It would appear you are doing the whining.
Marchman has a boner for Cardinals trolling. Doesn't matter that the McClellan column is a half thought away from having half a thought.
I guess the old adage is true. "When the shitty troll columnist shits on the thing that I shittily troll as well, that shitty troll columnist becomes a friend."
Marchman, by aligning your self with a shitty hack like McClellan, you're endorsing the kind of insufferable sports"writing" that Deadspin is supposed to rightfully eviscerate. Can we bring back the days when Deadspin wasn't just Gawker for games involving balls and/or sticks?
Bill McClellan is a really dumb columnist. He's not a sportswriter even. His job is to say dumb and annoying things that make people angry. It's a wonder why journalism is a dying industry.
The figures include watching, listening to, or attending games, not just watching tv.
Just wanted to say: I enjoyed this post. That's all. Thanks for listening.
Mohammed Ali is probably the best example of the "black, arrogant, talented" trifecta you reference.
If Deadspin could have found 2 more voters, Biggio may well have made the HOF. What an amazing/asinine process MLB has here.
Can Deadspin cast its ballot as a lone vote for Zack Morris?